Kopje onder in ijskoud water? Heerlijk! Tijdens de Water Edities van Strong Viking kom je het obstakel ‘The Iceman’ tegen. Geïnspireerd door de Wim Hof Methode, is het de uitdaging om het ijskoude water te trotseren. Maar hoe doe je dit het beste? De Wim Hof ademhalingsmethode kan je helpen om zowel mentaal als fysiek voorbereid te zijn. Maar wie is Wim Hof en hoe werkt zijn ademhalingsmethode nou eigenlijk? En is een ijsbad wel goed voor je? In dit artikel lees je alles over Wim Hof,  het ‘The Iceman’ obstakel en hoe je je kunt voorbereiden.



Strong Viking obstakel: The Iceman

Als je tijdens de water editie van Strong Viking 13km of meer loopt, kom je het ijskoude obstakel ‘The Iceman’ tegen. Dit obstakel is een echte test voor je doorzettingsvermogen en mentale kracht. Elk weekend wordt er maar liefst 3200 kilogram aan ijsblokjes gebruikt om het water richting het vriespunt te brengen, dat staat gelijk aan het gewicht van 2-3 kleine auto’s!  Als je eenmaal door het water ploegt, voel je de adrenaline rush door je lichaam gieren.


Bij dit obstakel staan er Strong Viking-members om je aan te moedigen, mentaal te ondersteunen en om er voor te zorgen dat je veilig blijft. Wees dus niet bang dat je na het kopje onder niet meer boven komt. 




Strong Viking x Wim Hof

Op de banner van ‘The Iceman’ zie je misschien een bekend gezicht: Wim Hof. Wim Hof is de koning van extreme kou en wordt daarom ook wel The Iceman genoemd. Hij heeft een ademhalingsmethode ontwikkeld die het een stuk makkelijker maakt om deze kou te doorstaan. Hieronder gaan we verder in op deze methode van Wim Hof en hoe jij het toe kunt passen tijdens Strong Viking.




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Wim Hof ademhalingsmethode

De Wim Hof methode: je hebt er vast wel eens van gehoord. Het komt neer op een unieke combinatie van ademhalingstechniek, kou en mentale focus, bedacht door de Nederlandse durfal Wim Hof, ook wel bekend als “The Iceman.” 

Voordelen Wim Hof Methode

Mensen die de Wim Hof-methode beoefenen, melden allerlei voordelen, zoals een sterkere weerstand, meer energie, minder stress, scherpere focus en een beter humeur. Er is wetenschappelijk bewijs dat deze voordelen ondersteunt, maar er wordt nog steeds onderzoek gedaan.

Het is belangrijk om de Wim Hof-methode met zorg te beoefenen, vooral als je gezondheidsproblemen hebt. Begin onder begeleiding van een gecertificeerde instructeur of via officiële cursussen, zodat je veilig en effectief kunt profiteren van de methode.


Voorbereiding op ‘The Iceman’

Om je voor te bereiden op het ijskoude obstakel, is het belangrijk om je lichaam te laten wennen aan kou. Begin met een simpele maar effectieve oefening: neem een koude douche. Zet de temperatuur van je douche langzaam lager en focus op je ademhaling.


Wanneer je de temperatuur verlaagt, merk je dat je ademhaling sneller wordt. Probeer deze ademhaling onder controle te krijgen door diep en rustig te ademen. Het doel is om je ademhaling te kalmeren, zelfs als de kou je lichaam prikkelt.


Als je ademhaling onder controle is, blijf dan een minuut onder de koude straal staan. Het is niet noodzakelijk om de koude straal op je hoofd gericht te hebben. Begin met een comfortabele temperatuur en verlaag deze geleidelijk elke dag. Na een week zul je merken dat je sterker wordt en dat je rusthartslag daalt.

Twee mannen die door het ijsbad van het obstakel the iceman van de wim hof ademhalingsmethode heen duiken

Zo overwin jij ‘The Iceman’

We hebben uitgelegd wat het obstakel ‘The Iceman’ inhoudt en waar de Wim Hof methode over gaat. Nu is het tijd om erachter te komen hoe jij deze methode kunt inzetten om het ijskoude obstakel te overwinnen. Wim Hof heeft speciaal voor Strong Viking een video opgenomen om jullie uit te leggen hoe je het beste deze ijskoude duik kunt nemen. 


Play Video about obstakel the iceman van de wim hof ademhalingsmethode

Wanneer je het water nadert, zorg ervoor dat je ontspannen bent, zodat je de zuurstoftoevoer kunt optimaliseren. Loop rustig en blijf kalm, want ontspanning helpt de kou te verdragen. Als je gespannen bent, zal er mindere zuurstof binnenkomen en wordt het moeilijker om de kou te trotseren. Als je het 70 centimeter diepe water instapt, weet je lichaam onmiddellijk wat het met de verzamelde zuurstof moet doen: zich aanpassen aan de kou. Er komt adrenaline vrij, dit geeft jou de boost om kopje onder te gaan en onder het obstakel door te duiken.


Voordelen van een ijsbad nemen

Een ijsbad nemen wordt steeds populairder. Je kunt zelfs opblaasbare badjes kopen die er speciaal voor zijn gemaakt! Je kunt er dus voor kiezen om echt jezelf onder te dompelen in een (speciaal) bad, maar om te beginnen kun je ook gewoon voor een koude douche kiezen.


Dat het populair is, valt niet te ontkennen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat regelmatig een ijsbad nemen namelijk veel voordelen met zich mee brengt! 


  1. Sneller herstel: Kou kan helpen om spierpijn en zwelling na het sporten te verminderen, waardoor je sneller weer fit bent.

  2. Betere bloedsomloop: Koude temperaturen helpen je bloedvaten te openen en sluiten, wat de bloedcirculatie kan verbeteren en afvalstoffen uit je spieren kan verwijderen.

  3. Minder ontsteking: IJs helpt ontstekingen te verminderen door de bloedvaten te verkleinen en de zwelling te beperken.

  4. Sterker mentaal: Het nemen van een ijsbad kan je mentale kracht vergroten doordat je leert omgaan met ongemak.

  5. Gezonder immuunsysteem: Regelmatig ijsbaden kan je immuunsysteem een boost geven door je lichaam te helpen meer afweercellen te maken.

  6. Betere slaap: Sommige mensen slapen beter na een ijsbad omdat het je lichaam helpt ontspannen en je temperatuur reguleert.

  7. Meer energie: IJsbaden kunnen je een energiek gevoel geven doordat je lichaam endorfines aanmaakt.

Vergeet niet voorzichtig te zijn en met een arts te overleggen als je gezondheidsproblemen hebt.

Ga de koude uitdaging aan!

Wil jij de koude uitdaging aan gaan? Haal dan nu je tickets voor de volgende Strong Viking Water Editie! Zorg er voor dat je goed voorbereid bent met bovenstaande tips en download het obstacle run trainingsschema om jezelf klaar te stomen. Oorah!

Running a marathon is for many the ultimate challenge. Whether you’re going for the classic 42 kilometers or the tough Iron Viking marathon from Strong Viking, proper preparation is crucial! How much time you need to prepare varies from person to person. Training for a marathon always requires time, patience, and a solid plan. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of marathon training and share tips to get you ready for that finish line!


How long does it take to train for a marathon?

We can’t tell you exactly how long your preparation will take. It depends on your current fitness level and experience. What we can tell you is that you should never rush your marathon training!


If you have little experience with running or long distances, it’s wise to plan around 6 to 12 months for your first marathon. Your body needs time to adapt to the stress and to prevent injuries. If you are an absolute beginner, it might take up to 2 years to safely run your first marathon. Start with shorter distances like 5 or 10 kilometers and gradually work your way up to a half marathon before tackling the full distance.


More experienced runners can prepare in 3 to 6 months, depending on their condition and how many kilometers they already run per week. Elite athletes might even be ready in 3 months, as long as they train consistently and adhere to their schedule.

How do you start training for a marathon?

You’ve decided: you’re going for a marathon! But how do you start? The most important thing is to find a training schedule that suits you. Don’t rush; don’t try to run that marathon in 3 months if you’re not ready—that invites injury. While we currently only offer obstacle run training schedules, there are many schedules online that can help you train responsibly. Below, you’ll find some handy steps to ensure you’re well-prepared for the starting line.


Step 1: Build a strong foundation

The first phase of your marathon training is about building a strong foundation. This means gradually increasing your endurance by adding a few extra kilometers each week. Start with distances that are manageable for you, such as 5 to 10 kilometers, and add 10-15% to your long run each week. This long slow run is essential for strengthening your muscles, joints, and tendons so that they can handle the 42 kilometers.


Step 2: Smart training distribution

Training for a marathon is more than just logging miles. Vary your workouts to become stronger and more efficient. Here are some key types of training:

  1. Long slow distance (LSD): The core of your marathon preparation. These sessions help your body run for extended periods and improve your aerobic capacity.
  2. Interval training: Alternate between short, intense runs and rest periods. This works on both your speed and endurance.
  3. Recovery runs: Short, slow runs to recover from intense workouts while keeping active.
  4. Obstacle-specific training (for the Iron Viking): In addition to running, train on obstacles. Work on your grip strength, rope climbing, jumping, and climbing to ensure you can conquer not just the distance but also the challenges ahead.

Step 3: Nutrition and recovery are key

A marathon is not only a physical challenge but also a nutritional one. Eating before a workout is crucial. Ensure you’re getting enough carbohydrates for energy, protein for recovery, and healthy fats for sustained energy. Practice using gels or snacks during your long runs to keep your energy levels stable.


Recovery is just as important as your training. Ensure you get plenty of sleep and take rest days between workouts. Regular stretching, foam rolling, and massage can help prevent muscle soreness and injuries.


Step 4: The final weeks

The last two to three weeks before the marathon is the time to taper. This means reducing the intensity of your training so that your body appears fresh and rested at the start. Your long runs become shorter, and your focus shifts primarily to recovery.

Mental preparation for a marathon

Alongside the physical training for a marathon, mental preparation is just as important. The marathon often becomes truly tough after 30 kilometers, and your mental strength will determine whether you can push through. Here are some tips to mentally prepare yourself for the starting line:


1. Set clear goals

Clear goals help you stay focused during both your training for a marathon and the marathon itself. Set goals using the SMART principle: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This provides direction and motivation during your training and on the big day.



  • Complete the marathon within a specific time.
  • Break your personal record.
  • Run the marathon without walking.

2. Visualize your success!

Visualize yourself crossing the finish line! See yourself running the course, finding your rhythm, and finally reaching that coveted finish line. This makes your goals more tangible and helps reduce stress and anxiety.


3. Stay positive

Keep yourself motivated, even when it gets tough. Remind yourself how hard you’ve trained and how far you’ve come. Use positive affirmations to counter negative thoughts.



  • “I am strong and ready for this challenge.”
  • “Every step brings me closer to my goal.”
  • “I can do this; I am well prepared.”

Need more motivation? Check out these inspiring & badass gym quotes!


4. Surround yourself with positive people

Ensure you have a good support network. Share your progress and goals with friends, family, or other runners. It’s also nice not to have to answer the question “Are you going home early again?” when you want to train for a marathon.


5. Manage your stress

Learn relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation to stay calm. This helps you reduce stress before and during the marathon and stay focused.


6. Prepare for unexpected challenges

It’s wise to have a plan for unforeseen obstacles like bad weather or blisters. By being prepared for possible problems, you’ll remain flexible and calm. They won’t get you!

Tips for running a marathon

In addition to the important steps above, we have gathered more handy tips that you can use when training for a marathon.


  1. Maintain a conversation while running: If you can’t talk, slow down.
  2. Run with a group or buddy: Running together can be motivating and fun. You can also test the above!
  3. Vary your training route: Change things up to prevent boredom and keep your training interesting.
  4. Invest in good running shoes: They absorb 3 to 5 times your body weight with every landing.
  5. Use running socks: They provide extra support, ensure proper moisture regulation, and help prevent blisters.
  6. Pay attention to good running technique: Keep your back straight and be mindful of your foot landing.
  7. Use a running app: Keep track of your progress and analyze your performance for extra motivation.
  8. Practice good breathing: Breathe deeply and regularly to optimize your oxygen intake and reduce fatigue.

Training for the Iron Viking Obstacle Run

Are you preparing for the 42 kilometers of the Iron Viking marathon? Then you’ll face not only the distance but also heavy obstacles that will test your strength, agility, and endurance.

Functional training has become an indispensable part of the sports and fitness world today. And that’s for good reason! There is evidence showing that functional training is beneficial for the overall physical fitness of athletes. But what exactly does it entail, and why is it so popular? Is it also useful when preparing for an obstacle run? And what benefits can it offer you? In this article, we take a closer look at functional (strength) training and explore how this training method can enhance your performance!
Table of Contents

What is functional training?

Functional training is a workout method that focuses on exercises to help you move better in everyday life. Instead of training isolated muscle groups, functional training emphasizes movements that use multiple muscles and joints simultaneously. These are the movements you perform daily, such as lifting, bending, jumping, and twisting. These exercises not only improve your strength but also your stability, coordination, and endurance. The goal is to make your body perform better during daily activities and athletic challenges like an obstacle run.


Traditional strength training vs functional training

Many people are familiar with strength training: lifting weights and working on machines at the gym. Functional training, however, differs from traditional strength training. Below, we explain the key differences between strength training and functional strength training.


Strength training focuses on building muscle strength and mass by lifting heavy weights and doing isolation exercises. You primarily work on specific muscles and often use machines or free weights.


Functional training helps you with everyday movements by doing exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at once. It’s about exercises that improve your balance, coordination, and overall strength, like lunges and burpees. Functional strength training can be a great complement to traditional strength training.


The benefits of functional training

As explained earlier, functional training not only makes you fitter but also more functional in daily life. But what other benefits does functional training bring? Below we discuss some key benefits:


1. Improved strength
With functional strength training you train exercises that use multiple muscles simultaneously. This makes your body stronger, which is helpful for daily tasks and sports.


2. Increased endurance
Regular functional training improves your stamina. You can work or exercise longer and harder without getting tired quickly.


3. Injury prevention
By training movements you use daily, you reduce the risk of injuries. Your body becomes better prepared for physical demands, helping you avoid severe muscle pain and injuries.


4. Better balance and coordination
Functional training helps improve your balance and coordination. You learn to use different muscles simultaneously, increasing your control and stability.


5. More efficient workouts
Instead of training only specific muscles, functional training works on multiple muscles at once. This makes your workout more efficient and promotes better muscle balance.


6. Practical application
The exercises are based on daily movements like lifting and bending, preparing you better for everyday activities.


7. Helps prepare for obstacle runs
If you’re preparing for an obstacle run, functional training is very useful. The exercises strengthen your grip, endurance, and strength, helping you overcome obstacles and improve your performance.


Functional training workout: 10 exercises

Great! You’re ready to start functional fitness! Did you know you can even do this at home? Of course, you can go to the gym, but there are plenty of functional strength training exercises you can do at home, both with and without equipment.


Exercises without equipment

1. Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees as if you are sitting on a chair, keeping your back straight and your knees in line with your feet. Stand back up and repeat!
Muscles: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, abs, and lower back muscles
Daily benefit: Helps with standing up from a chair or lifting objects from the ground.


2. Push-ups

Lie flat on your stomach with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push yourself up by extending your arms, lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor, and push back up.
Muscles: Chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, and lower back muscles
Daily benefit: Strengthens your chest and arm muscles, useful for pushing and lifting.


3. Lunges

Step one foot forward and lower your knees until your back knee nearly touches the floor. Make sure your front knee doesn’t go past your toes. Stand back up and switch legs.
Muscles: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, and core muscles
Daily benefit: Improves your stability and strength when climbing stairs or bending down to pick something up.


4. Burpees

Start in a standing position. Drop into a squat, place your hands on the floor, and jump your feet back into a push-up position. Perform a push-up, jump your feet back to your hands, and jump straight up.
Muscles: Chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, hamstrings, glutes, and calves
Daily benefit: Improves your endurance and strength, which helps with energetic and demanding tasks like lifting heavy objects or moving quickly.


5. Straight-Leg Sit-Up

Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your side or behind your head. Lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the ground as you engage your abs. Keep your feet on the ground and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.
Muscles: Abs, hip flexors
Daily benefit: Strengthens your abs, helping improve your overall core strength and supporting your back during activities like lifting and bending.


Exercises with equipment

6. Kettlebell Swings

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a kettlebell with both hands and swing it between your legs, then upward to shoulder height by powerfully thrusting your hips forward.
Muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, lower back, core muscles, shoulders, and grip muscles
Daily benefit: Strengthens your hips, back, and grip, useful for lifting and carrying heavy objects.


7. Dumbbell Rows

Support one hand and knee on a bench, holding a dumbbell in the other hand. Pull the dumbbell towards your side by bending your elbow and squeezing your shoulder blade.
Muscles: Back muscles (such as the latissimus dorsi), biceps, shoulders, and core muscles
Daily benefit: Strengthens your back muscles, helping with pulling objects or opening heavy doors.


8. Resistance Band Squats

Stand with your feet on a resistance band and hold the band at your shoulders. Perform a squat while keeping the band under tension.
Muscles: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, and core muscles
Daily benefit: Strengthens your legs and core, helpful for lifting and bending.


9. Farmer’s Walk

Hold a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells and walk upright with the weights by your sides. Make sure to keep a firm grip and maintain a straight back while walking.
Muscles: Grip muscles, forearms, shoulders, back muscles, and core muscles
Daily benefit: Strengthens your grip strength and forearms, useful for carrying heavy bags or lifting objects.


10. Box Step-Up

Use a sturdy elevated surface like a bench or a step. Step one foot onto the surface and push yourself up until you’re standing with both feet on the surface. Step back down and repeat with the other foot.
Muscles: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and core muscles
Daily benefit: Strengthens your legs and improves your balance and coordination, helpful for climbing stairs or stepping in and out of vehicles.


Functional training for an obstacle run

Obstacle runs require strength, endurance, and a good dose of perseverance. Fortunately, functional training is perfect for helping you out. With exercises like kettlebell swings, burpees, and box jumps, you can improve your explosive strength and stamina. As a result, you’ll feel stronger and fitter during the run!


Functional training also helps you become not just stronger but also better balanced and more coordinated. This is crucial for overcoming the challenging obstacles you’ll face. In the obstacle run training plans, you’ll find functional training exercises that will help you easily reach that finish line. Oorah!


Don’t have a ticket for your next obstacle run? Get your Strong Viking ticket now via the button below!

Whether you’re in the gym training for Strong Viking or facing a challenging obstacle during the run, sometimes you need that extra boost of encouragement to keep going. That’s why we’ve gathered 30 inspiring & badass gym quotes just for our Vikings—you! Write them on your arm (or get them tattooed), print them on your workout shirt, or use a quote as a caption for your latest Instagram post. No sad quotes here, only motivational & encouraging quotes! Let’s go!


Badass gym Quotes

Below is a list of badass gym quotes perfect for true gym beasts. Do you love spending your evenings at the gym? Is your idea of a date night lifting weights? Then you’re sure to find a gym quote that resonates with you below. These motivational sayings aren’t necessarily attributed to a specific author or celebrity, but they’re widely used in the gym world!

1. “Sweat is your body’s way of showing progress.”
Every drop of sweat shows you’re getting closer to your goals and that your efforts aren’t in vain. It’s a sign that your body is adapting and getting stronger.

2. “Pain is temporary, but pride is forever.”
The pain you feel during a workout or the soreness afterward will fade, but the pride you feel when you achieve your goals will last forever.

3. “The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.”
Even a short workout is better than not exercising at all. Every movement, no matter how small, contributes to your overall progress. Every time you choose to work out, you’re one step closer to your goal.

4. “Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent.”
Don’t expect immediate results; success and change come from dedicated hard work and consistency over time. Every day you show up, you’re steadily building towards the results you’ll eventually achieve.

5. “Strong today, stronger tomorrow.”
Every day you train, you get a little stronger. It’s about gradual improvement. Each day of training makes you better than the day before, both mentally and physically.

6. “Working out is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.”
Don’t compare yourself to others; focus on your own growth and improvement. It’s about becoming stronger and better than you were before.

7. “Lift heavy, live light.”
By training hard, you make your mind and body lighter, stronger, and healthier. It helps you literally feel lighter and healthier in your daily life.

8. “Make your workout your daily therapy.”

See your workout as a way to feel better. It helps reduce stress and makes you mentally and physically stronger.

9. “The gym is my playground, and the weights are my toys.” – Lee Priest
The gym is a place of fun and challenge, where you play with weights to transform your body. Think of it as your playground!

10. “It never gets easier, you just get stronger.”
As you get stronger, you’ll find you can handle more. What was once difficult becomes easier because you’ve gotten stronger.

Motivational Obstacle Run Quotes

Do the badass gym quotes not quite match your obstacle run goal or vision? We’ve got you covered! Participating in an obstacle run requires not only physical strength but also mental strength. The obstacle run quotes below can give you that extra push when you’re standing at the top of the Fjord Drop… Just in case the adrenaline rush isn’t enough to get you that one step further!

11. “Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.”

In an obstacle run, you’re responsible for your own performance. Although you’re never really alone, you must overcome each obstacle yourself because no one else can do it for you.

12. “You don’t find willpower; you create it.”
Willpower in an obstacle run doesn’t come naturally. It is built through your discipline and dedication during every challenge and every training session.

13. “Obstacles are opportunities in disguise. Embrace the challenge.”
Every obstacle during the run is a chance to grow and push your limits. Consider each hurdle an opportunity to improve yourself and become stronger.

14. “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.” – Les Brown
The tougher the obstacles during the run, the greater the satisfaction when you reach the finish line. Hard challenges make the victory all the sweeter.

15. “Challenge yourself to overcome, and the finish line will be within reach.”
By challenging yourself to overcome every obstacle, you get closer to the finish line. Your determination and perseverance bring you closer to your goal.

16. “Your strength doesn’t come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”
During an obstacle run, your strength comes from overcoming challenges that once seemed impossible. Overcoming these obstacles reveals your true strength.

17. “When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.”
When you start feeling fatigued during an obstacle run, remind yourself why you took on this challenge. This will motivate you to keep going.

18. “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” – John F. Kennedy
Every successful obstacle run begins with the decision to take on the challenge. Even the greatest victories start with the choice to begin.

19. “In every race, there’s a moment when you think you can’t go any further. That’s when you dig deep and find out what you’re really made of.” – Steve Prefontaine
In every obstacle run, there comes a moment when you think you can’t go any further. That’s the moment to dig deep and discover what you’re truly capable of.

20. “Every obstacle is an opportunity to prove your strength.”
Every obstacle in your path is a chance to prove your strength and perseverance. Use every challenge during the run to show how strong you really are.

21. “Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind you have to convince.”
During an obstacle run, your body can handle a lot, but it’s your mental strength you need to conquer every hurdle. You have to mentally push yourself to keep going.

Tough Viking Quotes

If you’ve ever participated in Strong Viking, you know it’s not just an obstacle run; it’s a test of your physical and mental limits. The Viking mentality is about strength, perseverance, and courage. It’s the will to push through even when things get tough, and the determination to face every challenge, no matter how daunting it may seem. Below, you’ll find quotes for those seeking a bit of Viking-style motivation. Oorah!

22. “A Viking does not fear the storm; he becomes it.”
A true Viking doesn’t just face challenges and difficulties but embraces and transforms them. They make the storm their strength and are inspired by it to grow.

23. “A warrior’s strength is not measured by his sword, but by his spirit.”
This quote emphasizes that true strength doesn’t come from physical weapons or equipment but from inner strength and determination. It is the spirit and will that define the true warrior.

24. “With each battle, we carve our names into the sagas of history.”
Every challenge and battle we face adds a new chapter to our personal saga and history. It’s a way to leave your mark and make a lasting impact.

25. “In the heat of battle, you find your true self.”
During intense moments of struggle and challenge, true qualities and the essence of a person come to the surface. It is in these moments that you discover who you really are.

26. “The path to glory is paved with courage and sacrifice.”
True glory and success don’t come easily; they are achieved through courage and sacrifice. The path to glory is filled with challenges you must overcome.

27. “The true measure of a Viking is his ability to rise after each fall.”
A Viking is defined by his ability to rise and keep going after setbacks. It’s not about never falling but about how you recover and come back stronger.

28. “Embrace the struggle, for it shapes the warrior within.”
Embrace the struggle, as it shapes the warrior within you. This quote highlights that setbacks and challenges make you stronger and more resilient.

29. “In the heart of every Viking beats the rhythm of the fjords.”
In the heart of every Viking beats the rhythm of the fjords. This quote evokes the strength and determination characteristic of the Viking mentality.

30. “The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.” – Richard Branson
This quote reminds us that courage and daring are the keys to a meaningful life. The brave souls take risks and experience adventure, while those who are always cautious never truly live.

Motivation & Strong Viking

Do you want to participate in Strong Viking but doubt whether you can do it? Are these badass gym quotes not enough motivation? Or do you have no one around you who wants to join in? We believe in you! At Strong Viking, you’re never alone. Our team and your fellow participants will help you with every obstacle. Want to skip an obstacle? No problem—anything goes, nothing is mandatory. The most important thing is that all participants form one team together. So, if you lose your motivation during the run, there will always be people around to help pull you through.

Have you ever felt an intense rush during extreme activities like bungee jumping, skydiving, or a challenging obstacle run? That feeling that you can conquer the world? That’s an adrenaline rush! But what exactly is adrenaline and how does it affect your body? In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the world of adrenaline, explore the adrenaline rush benefits, and learn how to recognize the symptoms of too much adrenaline.

Table of Contents

What is Adrenaline?

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is commonly referred to as the “fight-or-flight” hormone. It is released in stressful situations and prepares your body for action by enhancing your heart rate, breathing, and senses. Although adrenaline is often associated with life-threatening situations, it can also be released during activities like obstacle runs or bungee jumping!


So even if you’re not literally fighting or fleeing, adrenaline still gives you the boost you need to push through. Here’s how it works: when you do something new, intense, or challenging, your body experiences a form of stress. This doesn’t have to be negative; it can be healthy excitement, like the nerves you feel just before starting an obstacle run. Your body sees this challenge as something special and gets ready to perform at its best. This is when adrenaline is released, and you feel that adrenaline rush.

What Happens in Your Body During an Adrenaline Rush?

When your body produces adrenaline, several things happen both physiologically (physically) and psychologically (mentally). Here’s what happens to your body and mind during an adrenaline rush:


Physiological Effects of Adrenaline

Increased Heart Rate and Dilated Pupils
During an adrenaline rush, your heart rate increases, pumping more blood to your muscles and organs. Your pupils dilate, which improves your vision and helps you react more quickly to your surroundings.


Psychological Effects of Adrenaline

Increased Alertness and Energy Boost

Psychologically, adrenaline gives you a real mental boost. You become extremely alert and focused, with an energy surge that helps you react quickly and effectively. After an adrenaline rush, you often feel great, with a strong kick of euphoria and satisfaction. No wonder you always feel so good after a Strong Viking!


Woman climbing out of the water on a rope after the Fjord Drop - effects of real adrenaline rush benefits


How Long Does Adrenaline Last?

An adrenaline rush usually lasts a few minutes, sometimes up to half an hour. During this time, you feel extremely alert and ready for action, with a pounding heart and an energy boost. Once the adrenaline peak passes, your body begins to calm down, and the adrenaline rush benefits gradually wear off. How long it lasts depends on the situation and how your body responds to the stress.


If an adrenaline rush lasts too long, the body may struggle to return to a calm state. Too much adrenaline can lead to various health issues. So, while understanding “how long does adrenaline last” is important, it’s equally crucial to recognize the balance your body needs.

What Causes an Adrenaline Rush?

As mentioned earlier, your body produces adrenaline in ‘fight or flight’ situations. But you can also experience an adrenaline rush in other stress-inducing scenarios. Here are a few examples:


(Extreme) Sports

Extreme sports like skydiving and bungee jumping put your body in a state of intense tension. These activities cause your adrenaline levels to rise to prepare you for extreme conditions and unexpected situations.

You can also experience an adrenaline rush during less extreme sports! For example, running or lifting weights can also give you an adrenaline boost. Oorah!


Obstacle Runs
During your participation in a obstacle run, you’re not only faced with physical challenges and barriers that push you out of your comfort zone but also mental ones! This form of self-challenge can cause an adrenaline rush as your body performs under pressure. And let’s face it, who wouldn’t feel a sense of excitement standing at the top of the Fjord Drop? 😰


Stressful Daily Situations
Everyday stressful situations, such as meeting an important deadline or dealing with unexpected problems, can also trigger an adrenaline rush. These situations create a heightened state of alertness and energy, allowing you to better cope with stress and pressure.

Adrenaline Rush Benefits

Although the situations in which your body produces adrenaline may not always be ideal, adrenaline has many benefits. It not only prepares your body for a thrilling situation but also helps you mentally. Here are 8 adrenaline rush benefits:


Energy and Strength

Adrenaline provides your muscles with more energy, making you temporarily stronger and faster. This can be useful during physical exertion or emergencies… Or during the notorious Sagas in a Strong Viking obstacle run.


Focus and Alertness

Adrenaline increases your mental sharpness, allowing you to think and react faster. This is particularly useful in situations requiring quick decisions.

Greater Endurance

Increased blood flow and oxygen intake allow you to keep going longer during physical exertion, such as in sports or intense physical activity.


Pain Reduction

Adrenaline can temporarily suppress pain, helping you function in stressful or dangerous situations, even if you’re injured.


Improved Vision, Hearing, and Feeling

Your senses become sharper, helping you see, hear, and feel better. This can help you recognize and respond to danger more effectively.


Faster Reaction Time

Adrenaline speeds up your reaction, which is crucial in situations where every second counts, such as in an accident or sports competition!


Improved Perseverance

An adrenaline rush can help you push your limits. It makes you feel like you can handle more than you normally would, encouraging you to take that extra step.

Is Adrenaline Good for You?

Understanding “is adrenaline good for you” involves recognizing that while adrenaline can be incredibly beneficial in short bursts, it’s essential to manage its effects. Adrenaline rush benefits include enhanced physical performance, increased mental alertness, and improved ability to handle stress. However, too much adrenaline can lead to various health issues, such as high blood pressure and anxiety. Moderation and balance are key to ensuring that adrenaline works for you rather than against you.


Symptoms of Too Much Adrenaline

When your body produces adrenaline, it’s usually for a reason. It helps you handle certain situations and prepares you to respond appropriately. However, sometimes your body may produce too much adrenaline. If this happens, various symptoms can occur that are not good for you. These symptoms are usually a result of an overactive fight-or-flight response and can be noticeable both physically and mentally. Here are some key symptoms:


  1. Accelerated Heart Rate: A persistently high heart rate, even at rest, can occur due to too much adrenaline.
  2. High Blood Pressure: Adrenaline causes your blood pressure to rise, which can be harmful in the long term.
  3. Excessive Sweating: Your body may start sweating even without physical exertion.
  4. Nervousness or Anxiety: Too much adrenaline can lead to feelings of nervousness, anxiety, or even panic attacks.
  5. Trembling or Shaking: Your muscles may start to shake, especially in your hands.
  6. Difficulty Concentrating: Excessive adrenaline can make it hard to focus and think clearly.
  7. Headaches: Increased blood pressure and tension can lead to headaches.
  8. Sleep Problems: Too much adrenaline can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, leading to insomnia.
  9. Nausea or Stomach Pain: The digestive system can be affected, leading to nausea or stomach issues.
  10. Fatigue: After a long period of high adrenaline production, your body can become exhausted, leading to extreme fatigue.

Adrenaline Rush During an Obstacle Run

Imagine this: you’re standing at the top of the Fjord Drop, your heart is pounding, and you feel the tension coursing through your body. You’ve prepared well with the obstacle run training schedule… But preparing for a 12-meter high obstacle? That’s a bit trickier than expected. The moment you hesitate is when adrenaline gives you that extra push to jump, to persevere, to go further than you ever thought possible. Each obstacle you overcome, each mud pit you wade through, makes you realize how strong you really are—just like the old Vikings.


At Strong Viking, it’s not just about the physical challenge but also about discovering your mental strength. The adrenaline rush benefits you feel during the run helps you not only overcome obstacles but also push your own limits. And the best part? That feeling of euphoria and pride lingers long after the adrenaline has faded. Want to experience it yourself? Get your ticket for the next Strong Viking obstacle run!

While the athletes in Paris are battling for medals at the Olympics (and obstacle running will be featured in 2028), we’re helping you prepare for your next personal challenge. With every ticket purchase for our late summer events in Ghent and Amsterdam, we’re giving you a free sports towel (valued at €12.95). Use it for gym workouts, jogging in the forest, or drying off at the outdoor pool. One thing is certain: you’ll be drying off in style!



  • Available exclusively with an online ticket for the 2024 editions in Ghent and Amsterdam
  • Color: Yellow and anthracite
  • Size: 50 cm x 100 cm
  • Value: €12.95
  • Available from August 6, while stocks last
  • Shipping: End of August

I SWEAT FOR Strong Viking

You may have seen them before, the ‘I Train For’ shirts from Strong Viking. Now, in the same style, we have the ‘I Sweat For’ sports towel! As soon as you put on your training shirt and start preparing for your next Strong Viking challenge, the sweat will soon follow. That’s when your new sports towel will come in handy!

You can of course take the towel to the beach as well, completing the circle to the 2024 Finisher Shirt. This shirt is inspired by the legend of Flòki Vilgerðarson, the boat builder who sailed over unknown waters to uncover the secrets of the wild sea.


Limited Edition

The towels are available in limited quantities and can only be obtained with the purchase of a ticket for the Strong Viking editions in Ghent on September 7 & 8 and Amsterdam on September 21 & 22. So don’t wait too long—secure your unique towel now! While supplies last.

P.S. You can also order an ‘I Train For’ shirt with your Strong Viking ticket for just €14.95. Want to support a good cause? Then get our Pink Ribbon x Strong Viking shirt for €14.95. €10 of this goes directly to Pink Ribbon!


Prepare for Strong Viking

Is it your first time at Strong Viking? We’ve put together a list of helpful tips for your first Strong Viking… (You’d be surprised how many people forget their towel)! Need a Strong Viking training plan? We’ve created practical obstacle run training plans, ranging from 4 km to 19 km!

The first step is taken: you want to know how to start running effectively! Whether you’re training for a race, aiming to get fitter, or preparing for an obstacle run, it’s important to build up your running gradually. This helps prevent muscle soreness and injuries and, perhaps most importantly, keeps it enjoyable for yourself! In this article, you’ll learn all about how to start running, its benefits, and the best ways to get started.

Table of Contents

Why is running good for you?

We all know that being active and moving our bodies is good for us. Often, people see exercise as something that takes a lot of time and gym memberships are getting more expensive. Fortunately, there’s a sport that’s completely free (well, except for maybe the running shoes and clothing)… Running! You put on your shoes and clothes, step out the door, and you’re ready to go. But why is running good for you? Here are a few reasons:

  • Improved fitness: Regular running strengthens your cardiovascular system.
  • Weight loss: It’s an effective way to burn calories and lose weight.
  • Mental health: Running reduces stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins. Sounds great, right?
  • Increased muscle strength and bone density: It strengthens your muscles and bones, which is especially important as you age.
  • Better sleep quality: Physical activity helps you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. Sleep well!

So, it’s safe to say that running is definitely good for you! Of course, it’s important to build up gradually and not try to run a marathon right away. By running regularly, you’ll improve your fitness, allowing you to go a little farther each time! Let’s dive into how to start running and what essentials you need.

A woman running through the sand during the Strong Viking Trail Run in Wijchen. Running for beginners. Building up running.
A woman running through the sand during the Strong Viking Trail Run in Wijchen. Running for beginners. Building up running.

Essentials for Running

When you go running, you don’t need much. However, the things you do need, aside from your two legs, are very important! Of course, you can make it as expensive as you like with fancy sports headphones, a high-speed branded sunglasses, or a Gucci sport leggings (yes, those really exist)… But that’s certainly not necessary!

Below, we’ll discuss the absolute must-haves when you’re starting out with running.

Running Shoes

Buy. Good. Running Shoes. There are so many people who start running in their regular sneakers and then quit because they experience discomfort. Why? Regular sneakers simply aren’t designed for running! Good running shoes are tailored to fit your feet, provide adequate cushioning to reduce impact on your joints, are breathable and lightweight, offer proper support, and are flexible.


Trail Running or Obstacle Run Shoes

Planning to participate in obstacle courses or trail runs? You might consider trail running or obstacle run shoes. These shoes are more durable, provide excellent grip, and are designed to drain water effectively.

Comfortable Running Clothes

You don’t need to rush into buying expensive and professional running gear to start running. Everyone likely has comfortable sportswear in their closet: a pair of sports shorts or leggings and a shirt. However, there are a few points to consider when choosing or purchasing (new) running clothes. Make sure the clothing is made of lightweight and moisture-wicking materials, as these will keep you cool and dry during your run. Polyester is often used in sportswear because it is breathable and dries quickly. It also provides ample flexibility, allowing for ease of movement.

Running Socks

People often forget to wear proper socks when running. This can lead to blisters because regular socks often lack moisture-wicking properties and can cause excessive friction. Preventing blisters is better than having to cure them, so it’s important to wear good running socks! Decide whether you prefer short or long running socks, with or without compression, based on your personal preferences. Everyone has different needs when it comes to socks!

Other Running Must-Haves

Once you have the essentials mentioned above, you’re ready to hit the ground running. To make your running experience even more comfortable, you can consider acquiring these additional items:

  • Sports watch or fitness tracker
  • Reflective clothing or accessories
  • Running app (like Strava)
  • Sports sunglasses
  • Sweatband
  • Running earphones

These items can enhance your comfort, safety, and overall enjoyment while running.

The finish of the trail run of Strong Viking
A woman arriving at the finish of the Strong Viking trail run. Running for beginners. Building up running.

Starting Running

Ready to get started? We definitely are! Running is incredibly enjoyable and leaves you feeling fantastic afterward. Before we dive into tips on how to start running, it’s important to make some preparations.

Set Realistic Goals

Before you start, it’s important to stay realistic. Don’t expect to be ready for the Ultra Viking in a month or to run the Berlin Marathon. Look for a suitable running schedule or download obstacle run training plans from Strong Viking. This way, you’ll have a clear goal to work towards.

Eat a Nutritious Meal Before Running

When you go running, it’s important to fuel your body with the right nutrients. Eating before a workout and after is crucial for performance and recovery. However, be mindful not to eat too much right before your run, as this can lead to discomfort. If you struggle with maintaining a varied diet or feel like you’re missing certain nutrients, consider taking sports supplements.

Warm-up (and Cool-down)

Many people start running without properly warming up their muscles first. This can lead to muscle soreness and injuries, which definitely doesn’t make running more enjoyable! It’s equally important to cool down after running. This helps lower your blood pressure and heart rate back to normal levels, and prevents muscle pain.

Running tips

Do you have a training schedule ready? Have you tied your shoes properly? Eaten a nutritious meal? Then you’re ready to start running! Start off slowly and stick to your schedule; you don’t need to run at 14 kilometers per hour right away. Below are some useful tips for your running journey.

  1. Keep your running routine varied: Explore different routes occasionally. Head to the woods one day or run a loop around the lake. This keeps running enjoyable!
  2. Take enough rest: Don’t go running every day right away. Give your body time to recover!
  3. Maintain a good running posture: Ensure you run upright with your head up and shoulders relaxed. This helps prevent injuries and improves your breathing!
  4. Hydrate well: Don’t forget to drink enough water! Ensure you stay well hydrated before, during, and after running.
  5. Be safe and visible: Choose safe routes and, if necessary, run with a buddy. Wear reflective clothing if you’re running in the dark.
  6. Enjoy the process: The most important tip of all! Running is not just a physical activity but also a mental challenge. Enjoy the fresh air, the natural surroundings, and the sense of accomplishment after every run.

Running in an obstacle run


Running is fun, healthy, and great for your general fitness levels. You can train for a (half) marathon or other running races, but did you know you can also train for an obstacle run? At Strong Viking, you can participate in 4km, 7km, 13km, or 19km races. Want to set the ultimate goal? For the true die-hards, we have the Iron Viking (42km) and Ultra Viking (60km). As exciting as it sounds, don’t underestimate it! Besides running a certain distance, you’ll also need to overcome obstacles along the way. Does that sound like music to your ears? Download the training schedule for Strong Viking now and get your ticket for the next event!

If you train a lot or participate in an obstacle run, your body can endure a lot. Taking good care of your body through eating the right food and drinking enough water is therefore super important. But did you know that you can also use dietary sports supplements? Certain supplements can improve your endurance, provide an energy boost, speed up recovery, and enhance your performance! In this article, we discuss the best supplements for athletes (and Vikings).

Attention: It is always important to listen to your body and possibly consult your doctor to determine if taking certain supplements is advisable. There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to supplements. Dietary supplements are not substitutes for food. Always maintain a healthy and varied diet.

Table of Contents

What are supplements?

Dietary supplements are products that provide extra nutrients that you may not get enough of from your daily diet. Even Vikings sometimes fall short! They can contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other beneficial substances. Supplements come in various forms such as pills, capsules, powders, and liquids. There are many types and brands on the market nowadays… Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees! Whatever you choose, always opt for a product with high-quality ingredients because it concerns your body! But when and why should you use supplements?


Why should you take supplements?

There are various reasons why you might consider taking supplements. However, it’s always wise to consult your doctor first to ensure it won’t cause harm; don’t just take anything! We increasingly see people taking all kinds of sports supplements because they believe it’s good for them, but unfortunately, this can backfire. 

Reasons why you might take supplements:

  1. Supplementing nutrients: They help to supplement deficiencies in nutrients, especially if you do not get enough from your diet.
  2. Specific health goals: Some supplements are designed to improve your health in specific areas, such as your immune system, energy, or joints.
  3. Improving Athletic Performance: Supplements for athletes can help to perform better, endure longer, and recover faster. So, also for people participating in obstacle runs or busy with training for an obstacle run!
herbalife sports supplements banner at obstacle run

The top 5 best sports supplements

As we mentioned earlier: don’t just take everything! There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to supplements for athletes, even though it may seem harmless. Do you have physical issues? Always consult your doctor first.

Below, we discuss the five best sports supplements for athletes that can help you achieve your best and aid in recovery after an obstacle run or workout!

1. Magnesium

2. Proteins

3. Creatine

4. Omega-3 vetzuren



Magnesium is essential if you do a lot and/or intense sports. It’s therefore the ideal supplement if you participate in obstacle runs! There are different types of magnesium available, but make sure to choose a form that is most absorbable. A good choice, for example, is magnesium bisglycinate. Always do your research and carefully consider the effects and side effects of the type of magnesium you buy. Magnesium is also found in nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, dairy products, fruit, dark chocolate, and soy products!


Below you can read about the benefits of magnesium:

  • Helps with muscle recovery: Magnesium helps your muscles recover faster..
  • Prevents cramps: It can prevent muscle cramps that often occur after exercise.
  • Provides energy: Magnesium plays a role in energy production, which is important after exercise.


Another important sports supplement! Proteins are essential when you exercise because they aid in muscle recovery and growth. The Vikings used to eat a lot of meat and fish for good reason! Eating the right food before exercising is crucial, and proteins play a major role in this. If you find it difficult to get enough protein from food alone, you can also opt for a protein shake or protein bars. We recommend the products from Herbalife!


Below you can read what proteins are good for:

  • Muscle recovery: Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. After exercise, they help your muscles recover.

  • Muscle building: By consuming proteins after a workout, you stimulate the growth of muscle tissue. Oorah! 💪🏻

  • Satiating: Proteins keep you feeling full longer than carbohydrates or fats.

  • Performance enhancement: Adequate proteins can contribute to increased strength and endurance during workouts. This way, you’ll definitely reach that finish line!


If only there was something to help your muscles produce more energy… Well, meet creatine!

It’s one of the most researched and proven effective fitness supplements for athletes. By taking creatine, you can improve your sprint performance, among other things. But it also helps you lift more weight during workouts!

Creatine is found mainly in animal products such as red meat (pork and beef) and fish (salmon, tuna, herring). Of course, creatine is also available as a supplement for athletes, often in powder form.


Below you can read about the benefits of creatine:

  • More Strength: It can help muscles have more energy for explosive movements, such as sprinting and weightlifting.
  • Better Performance: Yes please! Creatine can lead to better performance during workouts.

  • Muscle Growth: This supplement can help you build muscle mass, especially when combined with strength training. Power up!

Omega-3 fatty acids


It may not sound very appetizing, but omega-3 fatty acids are great for your overall health. Plus, they can give your athletic performance a significant boost! Omega-3 fatty acids are found mainly in fatty fish like salmon, herring, and mackerel, as well as various nuts and seeds. Not a fan of fish? Luckily, there are supplements available for (fish-averse) athletes that contain omega-3 fatty acids: Fish oil capsules or plant-based omega-3 capsules. Fish oil is essential for athletes!



Below you can read about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Can reduce inflammation caused by intense workouts. Bye bye, muscle soreness!
  • Heart Health: Lowers triglyceride levels (that’s a difficult word, huh) and improves blood pressure, which is beneficial during intense physical activity.

  • Joint Health: Can help reduce joint pain and stiffness.

  • Improved Cognitive Function: Can enhance sharp focus and mental clarity. You’ll need that during the obstacle runs at Strong Viking.

  • Faster Recovery: Omega-3 fatty acids can support muscle recovery after exertion. This way, you can get back on track quickly!


BCAA’s (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) are supplements that primarily aid in muscle growth and repair, reduce muscle fatigue, and can enhance performance. No wonder they’re one of the most popular sports supplements!

BCAA’s are naturally found in protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, soy, and chickpeas (there you go, fish again😜 ). They’re also available as a supplement in powder form. When choosing a BCAA supplement, it’s crucial to consider the product’s quality and the ratio of the three essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine)!

Below you can read about the benefits of BCAAs:

  • Muscle Growth: Leucine, one of the BCAAs, activates protein synthesis in the muscles, which helps with muscle building and recovery after intense workouts. Soon you’ll look like a true Viking!
  • Less Muscle Soreness: Less muscle soreness after training? We’ll take that! BCAAs can help reduce muscle tissue breakdown during and after exercise.
  • Reduced Fatigue: BCAAs can help reduce the production of serotonin in the brain, which can slow down fatigue and improve mental focus.
  • Better Endurance: By reducing the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles, it can help you go longer without getting tired.
Iemand die in het water duikt tijdens strong viking
Time to catch some fish for 'the gains'! Fish contains BCAAs, omega-3 fatty acids, creatine, proteins, and magnesium!

Improve your sports performance

Sports supplements for athletes can help improve your sports performance, endurance, focus, energy levels, muscle building, and recovery. You often get enough magnesium, proteins, creatine, omega-3 fatty acids, and BCAAs from food. That’s why eating before exercising is so important! However, if you have a deficiency, dietary sports supplements are a good choice.

As seen above, fish is rich in vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients. There’s a reason why the Vikings used to eat a lot of fish. We’ll grab another herring and see you soon at the start of the next Strong Viking obstacle run. OORAH! 

Blisters are not only incredibly painful, but they can also ruin the following days. Whether you’re a walker, runner, or participate in obstacle runs, blisters, like muscle soreness, seem almost inevitable. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the risk of blisters, and you might even be able to prevent them during running or walking. In this article, we explain what blisters are, how they form, how to prevent blisters, and how to care for your feet if you do get blisters. Let’s get to it!

Table of Contents

What are blisters?

Almost everyone has had blisters at some point, and we can all agree on one thing: blisters are incredibly annoying. But what exactly are blisters? Blisters are small fluid-filled sacs that form when the outer layer of your skin gets damaged due to friction, heat, or pressure. They can vary in size and can be quite bothersome, especially when they appear in areas that experience a lot of movement, such as your feet. They can even cause infections if not treated properly.

So how can you prevent blisters from ruining your plans? How can you prevent or reduce the chance of getting blisters? That’s exactly what we’re going to tell you more about in this article. So let’s dive right in!

How do you get foot blisters?

If your skin constantly rubs against something, such as wearing tight or unsuitable shoes while walking or running, it can cause blisters. Prolonged pressure on a specific area of the skin, such as wearing too tight shoes or unsuitable socks, can also cause blisters. During an obstacle run, your obstacle run shoes can also get wet, which can cause additional irritation. In general, blisters form as a reaction of the skin to protect itself from injury or irritation. They form a kind of cushion between the skin and the source of irritation, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt!

How to prevent blisters while running

To prevent blisters, you need to ensure that your feet don’t experience too much friction or pressure… But how do you do that? We have put together a handy checklist for you to consider during training, running, or participating in an obstacle run.

  1. Wear well-fitting shoes: Choose shoes that fit comfortably and snugly. Make sure they provide enough support and there is enough room for your toes. It’s also important that they dry quickly if they get wet during obstacle runs! Another good tip: Bring along comfortable and dry shoes for after the run!
  2. Wear moisture-wicking socks: Opt for moisture-wicking socks that draw sweat away and help prevent your feet from getting wet. Wet feet increase the risk of blister formation! For an obstacle run, also bring along dry socks so you can change into them after the run.
  3. Use anti-friction cream or sports tape: Apply a thin layer of Vaseline or anti-friction cream to areas where you expect a lot of friction, such as your heels or toes. You can also opt for sports tape to prevent blisters!
  4. Ensure proper hydration: Did you know that dehydration can lead to an increased risk of blister formation? Therefore, make sure to drink enough water before, during, and after training!
  5. Let your feet adjust: Your feet may need time to adjust to new shoes, socks, and different types of terrain during running or walking. Walk regularly on different types of terrain, such as grass, sand, and gravel, to strengthen your feet and adapt to various surfaces.

Here’s how to treat blisters!

You’ve done your best to prevent blisters, but now you’re walking around with painful feet… Terribly annoying, but it happens. The next step, to ease the pain and expedite the recovery process, is to treat the blisters. Often, people start picking at them or puncturing them, which can cause the blister to burst and become an open wound: this can lead to inflammation and infections. But how can you best treat a blister? Let’s take a look!

Leave the blister intact: If possible, leave the blister undisturbed. Don’t pick at it, as this may cause it to become infected and worsen the situation! The skin covering the blister helps it heal properly. Avoid further friction or pressure on the blister. If possible, wear open-toed shoes or other comfortable shoes that do not irritate the area. You can also place a sterile gauze over the blister to prevent additional friction. This also prevents dirt from getting into the wound if the blister does happen to burst.

Draining a blister if it’s causing significant discomfort: Are you experiencing a lot of discomfort from the blister? Or do you think it’s about to burst? In that case, you can carefully drain the friction blister yourself. Make sure to do this in a hygienic manner. Clean the blister and the surrounding skin thoroughly with antiseptic, use a sterile needle (disinfected with rubbing alcohol), and puncture the blister in two places (at the edge of the blister). Now you can gently press out the fluid with a sterile gauze. Then cover the blister with a sterile bandage.

Infected blister: Is your blister infected? Stay away from it! If necessary, contact your doctor. This will prevent the infection from getting worse and causing you even more discomfort!

The above tips are based on the guidelines of the Dutch Red Cross. 

Preventing blisters during Strong Viking

During Strong Viking, you can also get blisters, so make sure you’re well-prepared! Are your shoes comfortable? Do you have the right clothing for the obstacle run? Have you trained properly? And most importantly: do you have your ticket already? If not, check the obstacle run calendar and quickly secure your spot at one of our events! Already got your ticket? Then we wish you lots of fun and hope you don’t get any blisters 😉

A stag party full of vague adventures you won’t remember the next day? Well, that could be fun, I guess… But a sporty bachelor party that you’ll still feel the days after (hello, muscle pain!), now that’s one to write home about! Gather your friends, all wear a fun outfit, and join in on an obstacle run by Strong Viking! That beer afterwards has never tasted so good..



Why a sporty stag party?

When you think of a bachelor party, you might first think of lots of alcohol, crazy outfits, and weird activities, but did you know it can be different? If the bride or groom-to-be is sporty and enjoys being active, a sporty bachelor party is a much better choice! Below, we’ve gathered some reasons why an active activity (and by that, we mean an obstacle run from Strong Viking, of course) is the perfect choice for a stag party:

  1. Team spirit and cooperation: Most sporty activities require teamwork and foster a real sense of team spirit! This is especially true during an obstacle run!
  2. Excitement and adrenaline: Whether it’s a game of paintball, rafting, or participating in an obstacle run: there’s nothing like an adrenaline kick!
  3. Unique experiences: Engaging in a sporty activity can be an opportunity to try something new! And by sharing a new experience together, you can strengthen the bond between each other.
  4. Healthy lifestyle: For people who enjoy sports or are committed to a healthy lifestyle, a sporty bachelor party aligns well with their interests!
  5. Memories to cherish: By engaging in an activity that truly fosters that sense of teamwork and strengthens bonds, you create memories that you’ll never forget. Especially during an obstacle run, you’ll truly get to know each other and have to rely on each other!

Sporty bachelor party? Sign up for an obstacle run!

You could of course go bowling, paintballing, or climbing. But what’s more fun than participating in an obstacle run? Exactly, nothing! During the obstacle runs of Strong Viking, there’s always a festive and brotherly atmosphere. Additionally, there are more factors that ensure it becomes an unforgettable day. Are you convinced to participate with the whole group in an obstacle run? You can celebrate your stag party in Amsterdam, Wijchen (near Nijmegen), Ghent, or Frankfurt!

As mentioned earlier, it promises a day full of adrenaline, teamwork, and memories, but it’s also a real day out. There will be plenty of music, you can enjoy food and drinks afterward (yes, even a beer!), and you can reminisce with the photos taken during the event. Want to take your sporty bachelor party to the next level? Consider arranging a hospitality area! This includes having your own terrace with decorated barriers, beer tables, benches, a standing table, and a parasol.

Did you also know you get a discount if you come with a group of 10+ people? An active bachelor party isn’t complete without a cool outfit, of course. Make sure to wear clothes during the obstacle run that allow you to move freely, or it could be a long run. And did you know you can also get team shirts made with us? You can read more about this on the groups page.sportief vrijgezellenfeest amsterdam vrijgezellenfeest nijmegen vrijgezellenfeest gent

Active stag party in Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Frankfurt, or Ghent

Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Frankfurt and Ghent are popular locations for a bachelor party, mainly for going out and partying! But did you know that you can also participate in an obstacle run at these locations? This way, you can plan a whole weekend full of fun activities, delicious drinks, and friendship! So, if you’re planning a weekend bachelor party in Amsterdam, Nijmegen (Wijchen), Frankfurt, or Ghent, consider signing up for Strong Viking, for an unforgettable experience!

After an obstacle run with Strong Viking, two things are guaranteed: You’ve had an amazing day, and you’re covered in mud. The last thing on your mind when you get home is doing laundry (hello, adrenaline!). But there comes a point when you need to get that mud out of your clothes… Thankfully, we’ve put together a simple guide to help you remove those stubborn mud stains from clothing (and shoes).


Step by step guide to washing your sportswear

You’re completely covered in mud, you’ve sweated a lot, and you look and smell like a true Viking. Well done! But now it’s time to wash your sportswear. It may not be the most enjoyable task, but if you take good care of your obstacle run sportswear, you can enjoy it for a long time. Never throw your muddy clothes directly into the washing machine when you get home! Mud residues can get into the washing machine’s filter, which can cause blockages or even permanent damage.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to effectively remove mud from your clothing.

  1. Let the mud dry: When you return home after the run, allow the mud on your clothing to dry. This may take some time, but dry mud is easier to remove than wet mud. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the clothing while the mud is still wet, as this can push the stains deeper into the fabric.
  2. Shake out the clothing: Once the mud has dried, gently shake the clothing to loosen excess mud. This helps prevent your washing machine from bearing a grudge against you and prolongs its lifespan. 😉
  3. Rinse the clothing: Rinse the clothing under cold running water. This helps to wash away the remaining mud before you start washing the sportswear.
  4. Pre-treatment: Apply a stain remover or mild detergent to the mud stains. Make sure to use a product that is suitable for the fabric of your sportswear. Let the detergent soak in according to the instructions on the packaging.
  5. Washing: Wash the sportswear as usual in the washing machine to remove the remaining mud from your clothing. Use an appropriate detergent and set the machine to the correct temperature and wash cycle according to the clothing’s care label.
  6. Repeat if necessary: After washing, check to see if all the mud has been removed from your clothing. If there are still stains, repeat the pre-treatment and wash the clothing again. Tip: Try using green soap!
  7. Drying: Dry the clothing as usual. If you’re using a dryer, make sure to check if all mud stains are gone before putting the clothing in. If there are still stains present, avoid using the dryer as heat can set the stains!
modder uit kleding krijgen spijkerbroek stoffen schoenen moddervlekken
Removing mud from your clothing after an obstacle run

How to clean muddy shoes

You’ve just bought some beautiful obstacle run shoes, and now they’re completely covered in mud! Fortunately, all is not lost, and you can also clean your shoes. However, this process is a bit different from removing mud from your clothing. Luckily, we’ve also prepared a handy step-by-step plan for cleaning your shoes!

  1. Rinsing after the run: During most obstacle runs, it’s possible to rinse your shoes right away. Always use cold water for rinsing and washing to prevent the glue from loosening or damaging the material!
  2. Allow the mud on the shoes to dry: Try to let the mud on your shoes dry first. When it dries, it becomes easier to remove and prevents spreading it further.
  3. Shake out the shoes: Once the mud is dry, shake the shoes against each other to loosen most of the mud. Don’t worry if a whole sandbox comes out; your shoes really take a beating during an obstacle run!
  4. Brush away the remaining mud: Use a soft brush or an old toothbrush to gently brush away the remaining mud. Try to remove as much as possible. If there’s no loose dried mud left, proceed to step 4!
  5. Clean with water and soap: If there’s still mud on the shoes, rinse them under running water and use mild soap (such as ox gall soap: sounds gross – works fantastic!) to remove the remaining traces. Use a cloth or brush to treat stubborn stains.
  6. Let the shoes dry: After removing the mud, let the shoes dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid using a hairdryer, placing them on a heater, or exposing them to direct sunlight, as this can damage the materials of the shoes! To prevent shrinking, you can insert newspapers into your shoes.

Note: Never wash your shoes in the washing machine! The heat could cause the glue to come loose. Are you stubborn and still want to use the washing machine? Then wash the shoes with a cold cycle and do not use detergent.


Got all the mud out of your clothes? Plan your next obstacle run!

Is your sportswear clean again? Are your shoes ready to be used? Has your muscle pain subsided quite a bit? Then it’s time to train for the next obstacle run! Check out the Strong Viking obstacle run calendar and secure your spot today! Which Strong Viking edition will you choose?

Muscle soreness, the bitter aftertaste of a great day. Some may say it comes with the territory, but it’s far from pleasant… Did you know there are several measures you can take to prevent severe muscle soreness? As a wise man (perhaps a Viking?) once said, “Preventing muscle pain is better than curing it.” It all starts with proper preparation. In this article, you’ll find various tips on how to prepare effectively and what to do after an obstacle run to prevent or alleviate severe muscle soreness. That way, you can still walk the dog the next day without issue!


What is muscle pain?

Everyone has experienced muscle pain at some point, whether it’s after exercising or after a stumble. But what exactly is it? Muscle pain is the feeling of pain or stiffness in your muscles after you’ve used them, especially in a new way or more than usual. This happens because small tears occur in your muscles during exercise, which is normal when you challenge them. These tears heal and make your muscles stronger, but it can feel painful.

The good news is that muscle pain usually goes away on its own after a few days of rest. So, it’s actually a sign that your muscles are working and getting stronger! A little muscle pain is not a big deal, but be careful not to overdo it!

How do you get muscle pain?

There are countless ways to get muscle pain. Of course, it varies from person to person, but we’ve gathered below the most common reasons why people experience muscle pain after exercising!

  • Overexertion
  • Incorrect technique
  • Inadequate warm-up
  • Insufficient rest and recovery
  • Poor fitness level
  • Accidents
  • Poor nutrition
  • Poor surface
  • Wrong shoes
  • Building up too quickly

That’s a hefty list, isn’t it? Fortunately, you can prevent almost all of these causes of muscle pain if you prepare yourself well for an obstacle run! But let’s be honest, sometimes unexpected things happen or you push yourself just a little too hard, and before you know it, you’ve got muscle pain. Fortunately, you can also take various measures after the run to limit the pain!

spierpijn voorkomen spierpijn sporten wat te doen bij spierpijn koud bad spierpijn verminderen

Preventing muscle pain, here’s how you do it!

Whether you’re just started running or you’re already an old hand: When you challenge your body, you’ll almost always feel it. Fortunately, there are many ways to limit the extent of muscle soreness after exercise! From getting enough rest to wearing the right shoes, below are helpful tips to prevent/reduce muscle soreness.

Training effectively for an obstacle run

To successfully complete an obstacle run, it’s recommended to build up your fitness and train beforehand. This prevents you from having to overcome a variety of obstacles all at once while your body isn’t accustomed to it. Create a training schedule and gradually build it up to avoid overexertion during training. Also, pay close attention to technique while training. If you develop incorrect technique, not only is it difficult to unlearn, but it’s also harmful to your body!

Get enough rest

It’s important to take enough rest between workouts to prevent muscle pain from getting worse. Give your body the chance to recover! So, don’t train intensively and do exercises the day before an obstacle run, even if you think you won’t feel it on the day of the run… You’ll regret it the day after the run!

Eat the right nutrients

Nutrition is incredibly important, not only do the right nutrients help your body perform better, but they can also support recovery! Eating a good meal before exercising, as well as after exercising, is essential! The right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats will give your body the boost it needs before, during, and after an obstacle run. 

Wear the right shoes

We can’t say it enough: wear good obstacle run shoes! If your shoes don’t fit properly, you can have problems with ankle support, your foot arch, and your balance. These problems can lead to muscle pain again. Well-fitting shoes not only reduce the chance of muscle pain, but they also make your obstacle run a lot more enjoyable. Nobody wants blisters, right?

Compression clothing

Compression clothing may sound a bit dull, but it’s literally a miracle worker for reducing the level of muscle pain after exercising! Compression clothing helps with muscle pain by applying gentle pressure to your muscles. This pressure helps improve blood circulation, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to flow to your muscles. And when your muscles get more oxygen, they can recover faster from exertion, reducing pain and stiffness. So, by wearing compression clothing, your muscles get an extra boost to feel better after an intense workout or activity!

A good warm-up…

A good start is half the battle, that’s why a warm-up is incredibly important! During a warm-up, your heart rate increases and blood flow to your muscles is enhanced. This helps to make your muscles more flexible and allows more oxygen-rich blood to flow to them. As a result, your muscles can work more efficiently and are less susceptible to injuries and muscle pain during and after the activity. That’s what we like to hear!

…And a good cool-down!

Many people forget it: the cool-down! During a cool-down, you gradually reduce the intensity of your activity, allowing your heart rate and breathing to return to normal. This helps stabilize blood circulation and promote the removal of waste products from your muscles, such as lactic acid, which can contribute to muscle pain. By doing a cool-down, you help your muscles recover and reduce the risk of muscle pain and stiffness after the activity.

Spierpijn verminderen na het sporten

Despite taking all the measures to prevent muscle pain (or not…), you’re now experiencing it. Which isn’t all that surprising, of course, because participating in an obstacle run is no small feat! What now? Fortunately, there are handy tips to reduce the pain and promote your recovery!

  1. Rest: Give your muscles the chance to recover by taking enough rest.
  2. Warmth: Take a warm bath! Applying heat can help improve circulation and relax the muscles.
  3. Kou: Kou kan ook effectief zijn om de spierpijn te verminderen en ontstekingen te verminderen. Gebruik bijvoorbeeld cold packs!
  4. Stretching: Gentle stretching exercises can help relax the muscles. Gradually build it up!
  5. Hydration: Stay well hydrated! This helps keep the muscles supple and flush toxins from the body.
  6. Light activity: Light activities, such as walking or swimming, can help promote blood circulation and loosen the muscles.
  7. Massage: Give your partner a sweet look and ask for a massage! A gentle massage can help improve circulation and relax the muscles. No partner? Then use a foam roller!

Muscle pain after Strong Viking

Muscle pain after a Strong Viking run is normal, and preventing it is very difficult. After each Strong Viking edition, we ask you on social media how much muscle pain you’re experiencing on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being no muscle pain and 5 being extremely severe muscle pain. A score of 4 is quite common, so if you can only lie on the couch the day after a run, that’s very normal! However, it’s important to stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water, massage the sore spots, and do gentle stretching exercises.

Never participated in a Strong Viking edition and want to test on which Strong Viking Muscle Pain Scale you’ll score the day after the obstacle run? Buy your ticket for the next edition now!