Meet our international beer partner: Warsteiner! Their passion, tradition, and craftsmanship align perfectly with Strong Viking.

Warsteiner 0.0

Warsteiner will be present at all our Dutch, Belgian, and German events, including, of course, the Warsteiner brewery site during the Warstein edition. But it’s not just about seeing: you’ll be toasting with friends to your finish with a refreshing Warsteiner 0.0! In today’s climate and with Strong Viking’s sporty nature, an alcohol-free finish beer was a must. What could be better than celebrating the finish with a crisp Warsteiner 0.0?!

Reusable Mug

Even after rinsing off the mud, you can still enjoy a refreshing Warsteiner. This new beer will be tapped at our events. Want to make your Warsteiner even better? Purchase a reusable Strong Viking beer mug at the event. You can refill it with a freshly tapped beer at all our events, and help reduce single-use plastic!

Brother Edition at the Warsteiner Brewery

For three years, we’ve hosted a special Brother Edition at the Warsteiner brewery site in Warstein, Germany. Here, you’ll enjoy a freshly brewed Warsteiner right at the source—there’s no closer way to the origin!

The long-standing partnership between Herbalife Nutrition and Strong Viking continues in 2023! Athletic participants in the events in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany will be challenged by both parties to truly achieve their personal goals. During their participation in the Strong Viking events, they will be supported by Herbalife Nutrition’s sports nutrition.  

Aid Stations

At the aid stations of all editions, Vikings can once again rely on Herbalife Nutrition products. These stations will provide all the necessary nutrients for the physical effort required. Expect an extra energy boost from CR7 Drive, a specially selected sports drink that is a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution to help you go the extra miles! Additionally, you can enjoy a delicious lemon protein bar and the Herbalife24 Achieve protein bar, free from artificial colors and flavors. With the nutrients from these products, you’ll definitely reach the finish line!


For Herbalife Nutrition distributors, Strong Viking is also a way to strengthen their bond with their community. During the Mud and Water Edition in Ghent, Herbalife Nutrition will be present in large numbers! Distributors prepare with their community to participate in the event together. At these events, there will be a large Herbalife Nutrition VIP tent for distributors and their customers. In this tent, they will receive additional nutrition before and after the run. To complete the experience, they can enjoy private showers after the run. The entire Herbalife Nutrition team will start together in one of the exclusive starting corrals, dressed in Herbalife Nutrition branded shirts. As a large team, they will face the course and ultimately reach Strong Viking Valhalla together.   Together, we look forward to another fantastic year of helping people achieve their best.

Jan, CEO/founder of Strong Viking, tells the story behind Strong Viking. How did he come up with the idea? And how did he make it happen? Read all about it!



The adventure began in 2011, during the climb of Kilimanjaro, when there was time to reflect on life. At that time, there were two successful Fitness and CrossFit clubs, and everything was going well. Yet, a new challenge was missing. The exact nature of this challenge wasn’t clear at that moment. The decision was made to build something new from the ground up, aiming for global impact. Various ideas were explored until a friend suggested obstacle runs in 2012. This idea immediately appealed, given a lifelong involvement in sports, military experience, and participation in extreme sports.

Common Primitive Feeling

The focus then shifted to exploring the obstacle run sport and creating something unique within it. Understanding the origins of something is essential for improvement. Experiencing a common primitive feeling was paramount. This feeling was very familiar; whether climbing a mountain with friends, skydiving, or participating in a military exercise with colleagues, the shared mission evokes a collective feeling. This feeling, just like thousands of years ago, is about overcoming the unknown through trust, security, and friendships. The search for the best match led to the Vikings, described as Strong, Tough, Adventurous, and Brothers—perfect ingredients for an obstacle run! (And, of course, the Vikings were strong because they participated in Strong Viking.) This led to a clear, unique, and authentic concept to move forward with.

The Strong Vikings

With Strong Viking in mind, further exploration into Viking culture followed. Strong Viking was literally inspired by how it must have been back then. A Viking king addressing his troops became the basis for the Strong Viking pledge. To storm a castle, Vikings had to overcome a wall, which became the Walhalla Walls at the start and the Storm the Castle. Vikings carried shields and hammers, so why not use these as load carries? When entering Walhalla, Vikings had to overcome large steps, which became the Walhalla Steps. Strong Viking medals and bottle openers are also inspired by Viking stories. Additionally, it was important to include obstacles that provided a complete physical or mental challenge.

The First Strong Viking Edition

In 2013, this dream became a reality! The night before the first edition, sleep was elusive due to healthy excitement. At 5:00 AM, the course was walked, which has since become a tradition. For years, the course was walked before each edition, along with conquering an Iron Viking. But the highlight remains experiencing the course during the event and tasting the reactions and atmosphere. Running the Strong Viking Family Edition with my wife, daughter, and soon with Jan Junior is truly the best. An Ultra Viking is still on the list!

Obstacle Course Racing

Besides Strong Viking, it is important for obstacle running to develop as a competitive sport, OCR (Obstacle Course Racing). In 2015, the initiative for OCREC 2016 was taken. Unfortunately, relations with the federations didn’t work out well, and we continued with the OCR Series and World Finals in 2017. We believe OCR should evolve into a sport testing all fitness and mental aspects a person must have. It’s also crucial to create exposure through OCR so that the heroes of our sport serve as examples for the youth.

From Idea to Reality

What began as an idea in 2012 has become a reality thanks to the Strong Viking team and participants. Immense respect and gratitude go to the team for their dedication and commitment. Also, thanks to the participants—not only for their participation but also for their feedback, which is crucial for the continued development of Strong Viking. Keep it coming and stay critical, as it keeps us sharp. Every day we strive to make people physically and mentally stronger by challenging them with a smile and welcoming them to the Strong Viking family at the finish line!

Thank you for reading, and see you at one of our editions. OORAH!

After completing the Sleipnir Axe and the Varjagen Shield,

It’s time to build your next piece of Viking armour.

For over a century, its existence has been considered a myth,

But with the reveal of the Gjermundbu helmet, your Saga will be legendary.

About the Gjermundbu Helmet Medal

The third piece in the Medals for Life series is the Gjermundbu Helmet. This helmet consists of six parts, and acquiring it requires some perseverance. To complete the full helmet, you need 44 medal points. You can earn these points by participating in Strong Viking events. Continue on your journey and earn the Gjermundbu Helmet.

Afbeelding van de medailles, medals for life, die samen de Gjermundbu Helmet vormen. De eerste krijg je na 24 runs, dan een na 28 runs, 32, 36 en de laatste bij 44 runs.

History of the Gjermundbu Helmet

Of course, this is not just any helmet. The Gjermundbu helmet is actually a real Viking helmet! The helmet dates back to the Viking age from around 950-975 and was found in a graveyard near the similarly named Gjermundbu farm in Haugsbygd, Ringerike, Norway.


The helmet was found by accident in 1942. Only later were the employees of the University of Oslo informed. Curator Sverre Marstranden and museum assistant Charlotte Blindheim led an investigation that confirmed the existence of a grave chamber of historical value. The Gjermundu findings contained several objects, including weapons. The helmet was discovered in nine parts and was restored. It is made of iron in four parts and is heightened. The helmet can still be seen at the Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo.


Together with the Tjele helmet fragment, two fragments from Gotland and a fragment from Kiev, it is one of the few known Viking helmets that could be reconstructed. The Gjermunbdu helmet is relatively well preserved. It has a spectacle-shaped face shield and must have belonged to an important person. Iron was difficult to make in the Viking Age and was also very expensive. Therefore, helmets were very expensive and not very common. Anyone who could afford a helmet would certainly want one, but only a few people could actually afford it. Helmets were well cared for and preserved, repaired when necessary and passed on from generation to generation. Some helmets were probably in use for centuries, until the iron became too thin and brittle to provide protection.

The Gjermundbu helmet is therefore a real showpiece for your Viking collection. After all the challenges, you have fully earned this helmet. There is also a unique showcase for the Gjermundbu Helmet. Show off your achievements with pride and place the medal in this special medal showcase!

After completing the Sleipnir Axe,

It’s time to build your next piece of Viking armour.

The Varjagen Shield will protect you on your quest,

To continue your Strong Viking Saga.


The history of the Varjagen Shield

The second centrepiece of the Medals for Life series is the Varjagen Shield. This shield consists of six medal parts, where you earn one part for every two medal points. When you earn twenty medal points, you become the proud owner of the entire Varjagen Shield. The medal points for the shield can also be earned by participating in a Strong Viking edition or a Virtual Edition. Conquer all obstacles on your journey and earn the Varjagen Shield!


The Varjagen Shield is obviously not just any shield. The word Varjagen finds its origin in the composition of the words promise (Varja) and companion (Gen). This more or less means ‘a sworn person’. There are only a few sources that point back to this period, we must rely on the various excavations carried out by different nationalities. These show that the Varjagen were present for a long period of time. The stories of Nordic history say that in the 8th century, the Varjagen came with their ships to the land we know today as Russia. Rus is originally the name for Vikings who reached Russia! So Russia even owes its name to the Vikings. The Varjagen played an important role in history and were mainly known as a strong tribe. In the early Middle Ages, the Swedish Vikings descended the rivers and built trading settlements along these rivers, the so-called trade route from the Varjagen to the Greeks. In time, the Vikings began to establish settlements between the Slavs and the Finns, where they formed the ruling elite under the name of Roes.

Gouden draak

The Varjagen Shield features a golden dragon, which, of course, is not placed on the shield without reason. Moreover, dragons are important and common creatures in Norse mythology. The most famous dragons are Níðhǫggr, Jǫrmungandr and Fáfnir. Each dragon in mythology has its own characteristics and stories. But the common denominator is that each dragon represents strength and courage. For this reason, ships often had dragons’ heads as their figureheads, and ships were, of course, essential to the Varjagen and their journeys.


Images of dragons were mainly used as decoration on objects belonging to the richest and most important people. The images served as expressions of strength, power and courage. Furthermore, flags with dragons were often used to intimidate opponents. Dragons are thus an important and powerful symbol of the Viking Age.


The Varjagen Shield is a symbol of the strength and courage you have shown during the challenges that have crossed your path on your journey.

Have you earned the entire Varjagen Shield? Or are you just looking for that last bit of motivation? Grant yourself the unique Varjagen Shield showcase and show that you are a true Viking! 

It’s time to start your journey and collect your Medals for Life,

Every challenge will bring you further on your path.

Become the writer of your own Strong Viking Saga,

And let the Sleipnir guide you on your quest.

About the Sleipnir Axe medal

The first honor medal in the Medals for Life series is the legendary Sleipnir Axe. This axe consists of four medal parts, each representing two medal points. You therefore need eight medal points to obtain the full axe. You can earn the points by participating in Strong Viking editions, with each edition earning you one medal point. The new Virtual Editions are also included in the Medals for Life, so there is always a possibility to earn new points!


The Sleipnir Axe is, of course, not just any axe. The final part of this medal depicts Sleipnir. Sleipnir is a figure from Norse mythology and not just any figure. Sleipnir is the eight-legged horse of the Viking chief god Odin. Odin is often depicted on his throne, accompanied by his ravens and his two wolves. Odin is the god of war, and when he goes into battle, it is always with his eight-legged horse Sleipnir.

Earn your medals for life: Sleipnir axe. Het eerste deel krijg je na 2 runs, de volgende na 4 runs, 6 runs en 8 runs. Dan is alles compleet en krijg je een complete bijl.

History of Sleipnir​

The story begins in Asgard, the place where the Gods lived. This city was surrounded by a great wall, which had to protect all the inhabiting Gods. In addition to the protection of this wall, the God Thor was responsible for guarding Asgard. However, Thor was busier killing giants than guarding the city. In his absence, the city was attacked and the wall destroyed. The city could not exist without this great wall and soon an unknown builder came to Asgard. This builder promised to rebuild the wall without any help! Moreover, he would do the job in a time that no one could beat, even if they had all the help in the world. Of course, the gods were interested in this plan, but it came at a high price… 


In return for a new wall, the master builder requested the sun, the moon and Goddess Freya. Even before the Gods could discuss this demand, someone had already agreed, it was Loki, the God of fire. He set only one condition: the construction of the wall had to be completed within six months. The master builder then agreed with the added condition that he could use his stallion Svadilfari.


Loki was satisfied with his trick, building the wall in such a short time was impossible. The sun, the moon and Freya were safe. However, Loki was not the only one with a trick. The unknown builder was in fact no stranger to the gods, it was the giant Hrimthur. His stallion Svadilfari was stronger than any other horse. Building the wall together was no problem for them.


To the great astonishment of the Gods, the construction of the wall proceeded smoothly. The Gods of Asgard feared that they would have to pay the promised reward. Loki no longer felt safe and came up with a new trick. He transformed himself into a beautiful white mare and lured Svadilfari away from the wall. This trick eventually led to the birth of an eight-legged horse. Loki returned to Asgard and gave the horse to Odin, who named him Sleipnir. Here began the story of Sleipnir, who grew into a large and muscular horse, the fastest horse in existence! His coat is grey like a stormy sky, his manes a darker grey. Legend has it that runes were engraved in Sleipnir’s teeth. After he had grown into an adult horse, he could not only move on land, but could even walk over the sea and through the air. On top of that Sleipnir could also transport Odin between the worlds of heaven and earth.

Finish 2 runs: krijg het eerste medailledeel van de Sleipnir Axe.
Finish 4 runs: krijg het tweede medailledeel van de Sleipnir Axe.

Sleipnir in the present


Modern Vikings look to Sleipnir as an inspiration for the foundation of their existence. The ability to go through life confidently and for the way we all cross different worlds through the various roles we play in life.


Let the Sleipnir Axe guide you between the world of everyday life and our Viking world and take the next step in your Viking adventure.


Have you earned the entire Sleipnir Axe?! Then give it the place it deserves with the unique medal showcase!

Finish 6 runs: krijg het derde medailledeel van de Sleipnir Axe.
Finish 8 runs: je krijgt het vierde en laatste medailledeel van de sleipnir axe.