Are you looking for a cool and original teambuilding activity? Or just a fun and sportive day with your colleagues? Then Strong Viking is the place to be! This way of working together is probably very different from your daily activities. Dive into the mud together, conqueror obstacles and cross the finish line together as a stronger team!

Why you and your team should participate in a Strong Viking edition can of course best be told by an experienced expert. Tamara van Dooren, Vitality Coach at Interfood is happy to tell you something about their participation in Strong Viking with colleagues.

Wat is Interfood?

Interfood is a leading global dairy supplier with more than 350 employees and 14 offices across all continents.

Interfood is the essential link between the global suppliers and customers of the dairy industry and they continuously create innovative services and products. Through their position in the chain they have brought a unique perspective to the sector for more than 50 years.

Through strategic choices and intensive cooperation with all stakeholders, they contribute to a successful and sustainable dairy industry that enables the world to enjoy dairy responsibly – today and in the future.

Interfood bij Strong Viking

The start – why should you participate with colleagues at Strong Viking?

Of course it starts with teamwork! Making memories together and facing challenges on a completely different area than one is used to creates an extra connection with each other. Not just during the event, but definitely also afterwards. Which also contributes to the ‘performance’ on the work floor.

How many of your colleagues were at the start?

This year we participated with fifteen colleagues. A nice mix of colleagues from different disciplines who were taking on this challenge together. It’s not limited to one department or a selected group of colleagues. Everyone can participate. Two colleagues conquered the 7km, seven colleagues the 13km and six colleagues the 19km. It is not necessary that everyone is equally fit, everyone can participate at his/her own level.


What was the highlight of your day?

The highlight for everyone was reaching the finish line. The conquering of the different distances from 7km to 19km, staying together as a team and motivating each other. Limits were pushed and colleagues got to know each other in a different way.

But.. how do you get your colleagues to join you?

Hearing enthusiastic stories from your own colleagues, that is what energizes people. In the corridors and in the lunch breaks you hear rumours about who is joining. People are getting each other fired up.

In addition, we have our own gym at interfood with coaching where colleagues can prepare themselves properly. Through challenges and training sessions, colleagues are prepared for the Strong Viking run.

Is it an annual event for you?

Yes, for us it is an event that comes back every year. The day brings us so much fun and next to that it is great for the teambuilding. That is why we come back every year.

When do we see you back at the start?

Next year of course! We are already excited!

As a final note: do you have tips for companies that are hesitating or that are ready to take on the challenge?

I would almost say that participating in Strong Viking with colleagues is a necessity and we can recommend it to everyone! Employes are and stay fit and it really boosts the team and enhances their cooperation, which also definitely has its effect on the work floor.

Bedrijfsuitje bij Strong Viking

Actief teamuitje of bedrijfsuitje organiseren bij Strong Viking? Dat kan! Op onze pagina voor groepen en bedrijven lees je alles over de mogelijkheden!


Zijn je collega’s nog niet overtuigd? Dat doe je met de gratis teamposter! Hang hem op een zichtbare plek, bijvoorbeeld in de kantine of bij de koffiemachine.