eb jij jouw doelen nog niet bepaald of ken jij iemand die altijd al aan een Strong Viking editie wil deelnemen, maar nog nooit de stap heeft durven zetten? Speciaal voor alle twijfelaars hebben wij een overzicht gemaakt met alle Strong Viking uitdagingen, zodat de keuze voor de juiste uitdaging nóg makkelijker wordt!

Table of Contents




The Strong Viking Family Edition is a great way to get moving as a family, and enjoy every second of it. Take the challenge and make unforgettable memories as a family with lots of mud, laughter and obstacles! It is open to kids from 5 years old and for the inner-kid in all of us.

The Strong Viking Family distance consists of child-friendly/light obstacles that you may also encounter during the regular Strong Viking editions. Prepare yourself and the kids for lots of climbing, scrambling and crawling! The main ingredient for this distance is: FUN!

Fitlevel: Pleasure athlete (1x sport a week).
Average duration: 90 minutes.


Since the start of Strong Viking in 2013 our editions are not a race, but a challenge. It's all about pushing your limits and overcoming obstacles together with friends. An important part of all Strong Viking editions is having fun during a sportive day! In order to introduce Strong Viking to the less experienced athletes/sporters, we introduced the new distance: BEGINNING (4km). The obstacles you encounter on this course have been carefully selected for this new distance. The obstacles are especially focused on fun and corporation. You will not encounter any extremely difficult or heavy obstacles. It's all a bit less technical and has a very high fun factor. Do you not dare an obstacle and/or are you afraid that you will not succeed? No problem! At every obstacle there is a possibility for a by-pass, where you can skip/walk around the obstacle! But... since we always try to push you to your limit, always try to challenge yourself before skipping!

Fitlevel:: Starting (rookie/sporadic athlete) Average duration: 60 minutes.
Average duration:: 60 minuten.


Do you think the 4km - LIGHTNING distance is too short and/or are you ready for the next step? Then the Strong Viking Lightning 7km is your distance! The Lightning distance is very accessible, just like the Beginning distance, also for the more inexperienced sporters/athletes. Don’t you work out on a weekly base and/or do you sport just once a week, then the Lightning distance is the ideal introduction to our obstacle runs. Prepare yourself for fun obstacles, mud and a lot of climbing work where strength, condition and fitness are not really needed! The Lightning 7km distance is the most fun together with friends, family or colleagues. So, if you have a fellow Viking that can you can enthuse to run with you, we definitely recommend this!

Fitlevel:Pleasure athlete (1x sport a week)

Average duration:90 minutes.


Vikings are known as one of the better warriors of the former era. This fact is also reflected in our 13km Warrior distance. During the 13km distance we will test your personal limits and challenge you to take the extra step, you didn't think you would take before! Besides the physical obstacles/challenges, which sometimes involve some form of technique, there are also several mental obstacles that you need to overcome. Think of height, speed, cold and/or even claustrophobic obstacles! Do you like to challenge yourself and do you like to face the unknown? Then take on the 13km Warrior distance together with your friends! De 13km Warrior distance is the ideal distance to overcome together as a company and/or sports team as teambuilding activity.

Fitlevel:Challenging (2x sport a week).

Average duration:2,5 hours


For the more advanced and trained sporters/athletes among us, we have the Beast 19km distance. Prepare yourself for the more heavy and technical obstacles of Strong Viking. During the Beast 19km we test almost all your muscle groups and overall condition. The 19km Beast is an unique route where you will never encounter the same obstacle twice. Where you can sometimes count on the help of your fellow Vikings at the other distances, the Beast 19km obstacles also test the more individual qualities!

OCR Series:
For the more fanatic Vikings, the Beast 19km course also offers a race-possibility! Here it is possible to measure yourself against other runners! This is possible in the OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) Series startwave. In this wave, only the best OCR athletes compete by overcoming our courses as fast as possible (time registration) while overcoming ALL obstacles successfully, which are being judged by marshals. The OCR Series startwave is the only wave at Strong Viking where the final ranking will be published! For more info check the next page!

Fitlevel:: Advanced (3x sports a week).

Average duration:3,5 hours (OCR-Series: 2 hours)


For the diehard-Vikings among us we have the Iron Viking! The toughest marathon in the world, where besides 42km also 100+ obstacles have to be overcome. To make it even more challenging, participants only have 7,5hrs time to cross the finish line, within the indicated cut-off times. Iron Viking participants wear green racing-vests, which makes them recognizable on the track. This vest gives them priority at some obstacles and often deafening applause and help from other participants/spectators! The Iron Viking is one of the most challenging distances we have, so know what you're getting yourself into before signing up! Some call them crazy, we call them LEGENDS!

Fitlevel:: Expert (3x sports a week or more).

Average duration: 6,5 / 7,5 uur.


Once a year Strong Viking organizes the most brutal obstacle run on earth, the ULTRA Viking. For those who have run the Iron Viking before and want to take that extra step in Strong Viking history. This exclusive event is organised only once a year: 60km, 135+ obstacles in just 10 hours! During the Ultra Viking a maximum of 600 participants can take on the challenge. The location of the Ultra Viking is a secret every year and will be announced at the end of every season. The Ultra Viking editions in 2018 and 2019 were completely sold out and only 42% of all participants completed the challenge within the set requirements! Do you dare to take on the most brutal obstacle run challenge in the world? Then overcome the glorious Ultra Viking!

Fitlevel:: Extreme (4x sports a week or more)

Average duration::9,5 / 10 hours