Jan, CEO/founder of Strong Viking, tells the story behind Strong Viking. How did he come up with the idea? And how did he make it happen? Read all about it!



The adventure began in 2011, during the climb of Kilimanjaro, when there was time to reflect on life. At that time, there were two successful Fitness and CrossFit clubs, and everything was going well. Yet, a new challenge was missing. The exact nature of this challenge wasn’t clear at that moment. The decision was made to build something new from the ground up, aiming for global impact. Various ideas were explored until a friend suggested obstacle runs in 2012. This idea immediately appealed, given a lifelong involvement in sports, military experience, and participation in extreme sports.

Common Primitive Feeling

The focus then shifted to exploring the obstacle run sport and creating something unique within it. Understanding the origins of something is essential for improvement. Experiencing a common primitive feeling was paramount. This feeling was very familiar; whether climbing a mountain with friends, skydiving, or participating in a military exercise with colleagues, the shared mission evokes a collective feeling. This feeling, just like thousands of years ago, is about overcoming the unknown through trust, security, and friendships. The search for the best match led to the Vikings, described as Strong, Tough, Adventurous, and Brothers—perfect ingredients for an obstacle run! (And, of course, the Vikings were strong because they participated in Strong Viking.) This led to a clear, unique, and authentic concept to move forward with.

The Strong Vikings

With Strong Viking in mind, further exploration into Viking culture followed. Strong Viking was literally inspired by how it must have been back then. A Viking king addressing his troops became the basis for the Strong Viking pledge. To storm a castle, Vikings had to overcome a wall, which became the Walhalla Walls at the start and the Storm the Castle. Vikings carried shields and hammers, so why not use these as load carries? When entering Walhalla, Vikings had to overcome large steps, which became the Walhalla Steps. Strong Viking medals and bottle openers are also inspired by Viking stories. Additionally, it was important to include obstacles that provided a complete physical or mental challenge.

The First Strong Viking Edition

In 2013, this dream became a reality! The night before the first edition, sleep was elusive due to healthy excitement. At 5:00 AM, the course was walked, which has since become a tradition. For years, the course was walked before each edition, along with conquering an Iron Viking. But the highlight remains experiencing the course during the event and tasting the reactions and atmosphere. Running the Strong Viking Family Edition with my wife, daughter, and soon with Jan Junior is truly the best. An Ultra Viking is still on the list!

Obstacle Course Racing

Besides Strong Viking, it is important for obstacle running to develop as a competitive sport, OCR (Obstacle Course Racing). In 2015, the initiative for OCREC 2016 was taken. Unfortunately, relations with the federations didn’t work out well, and we continued with the OCR Series and World Finals in 2017. We believe OCR should evolve into a sport testing all fitness and mental aspects a person must have. It’s also crucial to create exposure through OCR so that the heroes of our sport serve as examples for the youth.

From Idea to Reality

What began as an idea in 2012 has become a reality thanks to the Strong Viking team and participants. Immense respect and gratitude go to the team for their dedication and commitment. Also, thanks to the participants—not only for their participation but also for their feedback, which is crucial for the continued development of Strong Viking. Keep it coming and stay critical, as it keeps us sharp. Every day we strive to make people physically and mentally stronger by challenging them with a smile and welcoming them to the Strong Viking family at the finish line!

Thank you for reading, and see you at one of our editions. OORAH!