Under the motto 'Fit around the clock', KlokGroep focuses on the health and vitality of its employees through various activities and initiatives. Employees can also take the lead in this themselves. The participation in Strong Viking with a team from KlokGroep is such an initiative that was sparked by an enthusiastic colleague. During the Mud Edition in Wijchen the time had come and together they joined the start line!


The day started with a warming-up. On the terrain of the Berendonck in Wijchen, the notorious Strong Viking instructor Cynthia was ready to give the participants a good warm-up so they were properly prepared for the challenge. The actual challenge began with a high wall that each participant had to climb over, followed by numerous other obstacles that most people could only overcome by working together effectively. And that's what challenges like Strong Viking are all about: teamwork.



For most colleagues, it was a serious challenge; especially the last mile weighed the heaviest in this activity. But team players as they are, the 'Klokkers' obviously managed to cross the finish line as a team. Afterwards, they had a cool beer together to celebrate a successful outcome, because of course that too is part of the game.


We spraken kort met Jelte, de initiatiefnemer die alle collega’s geënthousiasmeerd heeft:

Who took the initiative and why?
As KlokGroep we have been participating in Strong Viking for a few years now. I have been taking part myself already for years, but I have never experienced it with colleagues before. This year I thought it would be a fun idea and so I took the initiative to get my colleagues enthusiastic for this sportive challenge. We ended up with a great group of 16 people at the starting line.

Why would you want to participate with your colleagues?

Strong Viking is a fun activity to get to know your colleagues in a different way. KlokGroep organises multiple sportive events, but Strong Viking is still an unique event where you step out of your comfort zone just a bit more. Especially with the Mud Edition! This event goes back to the roots of KlokGroep; simply putting your feet into the clay, doing business with courage by working together. If you want to reach the finish line, you need to cooperate and push to the end. That is KlokGroep.

What was the best part of the day?

It is difficult to pick a best moment, because the whole day was great. If I need to pick something, I would say that it was really fun to see your colleagues ploughing through the mud, while you were in the same mud as well. Furthermore, it is great to see that as a group you keep motivating each other to reach the finish line. Afterwards, you have a beer together and recap all the memories and moments togethers.

Do you have any tips for other companies/colleagues?

As a company, it is fun anyway to take part in activities with colleagues every now and then. Strong Viking is an ideal event to take on a challenge as a team. In the weeks towards the event, it is a well spoken subject and you motivate each other to work-out and train towards this event. It strengthens the bond with each other, so that you would also do more for each other at the work place. In short, it connects and motivates. Don’t think about it for too long, just go!

About KlokGroep


KlokGroep, based in Nijmegen, consists of four affiliates active as developers and builders in the real estate sector: Van de Klok, Novaform, Heilijgers and Adriaan van Erk.

The diversity and knowledge of these companies is our strength. Because we operate in Germany, Poland and almost all regions in the Netherlands, we know the market well and know where opportunities lie. Together, we take on challenges and address major accommodation issues. With a strong financial basis, strength and with an eye for people and the environment. Parent company KlokGroep is the connecting link between the four affiliates.

As KlokGroep, we sponsor various local and international initiatives, associations and (sports) events. The most visible support is the sponsorship of football club N.E.C. in Nijmegen since 2019. KlokGroep has been the main sponsor and our name - at least until 2029 - proudly shows on the N.E.C. jersey.



Health and vitality


Throughout the year, we invest in our employees' vitality and working pleasure. In September, we add to this with our 'Healthy Clock Month'. This is when exercise and healthy living take centre stage. Think of Padel competitions, Klok Social Ride; touring bike rides organised for and by colleagues, basketball clinics and, last but not least, the Strong Viking Mud Edition. Besides organising sporting events, vitality is checked via an annual preventive medical examination. You can participate in this voluntarily as a colleague. This way, you know where you stand with your health and vitality. It is important that you feel good about yourself.

Despite its growth to 500 employees divided over various operating companies, KlokGroep is an organisation with an informal working atmosphere, short lines and a large dose of guts. We know where to find each other when necessary, we dare to stick our necks out by asking but also by saying what we think and feel. That way, we achieve our goals together and that also reflects on your results.