Whether you’re in the gym training for Strong Viking or facing a challenging obstacle during the run, sometimes you need that extra boost of encouragement to keep going. That’s why we’ve gathered 30 inspiring & badass gym quotes just for our Vikings—you! Write them on your arm (or get them tattooed), print them on your workout shirt, or use a quote as a caption for your latest Instagram post. No sad quotes here, only motivational & encouraging quotes! Let’s go!


Badass gym Quotes

Below is a list of badass gym quotes perfect for true gym beasts. Do you love spending your evenings at the gym? Is your idea of a date night lifting weights? Then you’re sure to find a gym quote that resonates with you below. These motivational sayings aren’t necessarily attributed to a specific author or celebrity, but they’re widely used in the gym world!

1. “Sweat is your body’s way of showing progress.”
Every drop of sweat shows you’re getting closer to your goals and that your efforts aren’t in vain. It’s a sign that your body is adapting and getting stronger.

2. “Pain is temporary, but pride is forever.”
The pain you feel during a workout or the soreness afterward will fade, but the pride you feel when you achieve your goals will last forever.

3. “The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.”
Even a short workout is better than not exercising at all. Every movement, no matter how small, contributes to your overall progress. Every time you choose to work out, you’re one step closer to your goal.

4. “Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent.”
Don’t expect immediate results; success and change come from dedicated hard work and consistency over time. Every day you show up, you’re steadily building towards the results you’ll eventually achieve.

5. “Strong today, stronger tomorrow.”
Every day you train, you get a little stronger. It’s about gradual improvement. Each day of training makes you better than the day before, both mentally and physically.

6. “Working out is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.”
Don’t compare yourself to others; focus on your own growth and improvement. It’s about becoming stronger and better than you were before.

7. “Lift heavy, live light.”
By training hard, you make your mind and body lighter, stronger, and healthier. It helps you literally feel lighter and healthier in your daily life.

8. “Make your workout your daily therapy.”

See your workout as a way to feel better. It helps reduce stress and makes you mentally and physically stronger.

9. “The gym is my playground, and the weights are my toys.” – Lee Priest
The gym is a place of fun and challenge, where you play with weights to transform your body. Think of it as your playground!

10. “It never gets easier, you just get stronger.”
As you get stronger, you’ll find you can handle more. What was once difficult becomes easier because you’ve gotten stronger.

Motivational Obstacle Run Quotes

Do the badass gym quotes not quite match your obstacle run goal or vision? We’ve got you covered! Participating in an obstacle run requires not only physical strength but also mental strength. The obstacle run quotes below can give you that extra push when you’re standing at the top of the Fjord Drop… Just in case the adrenaline rush isn’t enough to get you that one step further!

11. “Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.”

In an obstacle run, you’re responsible for your own performance. Although you’re never really alone, you must overcome each obstacle yourself because no one else can do it for you.

12. “You don’t find willpower; you create it.”
Willpower in an obstacle run doesn’t come naturally. It is built through your discipline and dedication during every challenge and every training session.

13. “Obstacles are opportunities in disguise. Embrace the challenge.”
Every obstacle during the run is a chance to grow and push your limits. Consider each hurdle an opportunity to improve yourself and become stronger.

14. “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.” – Les Brown
The tougher the obstacles during the run, the greater the satisfaction when you reach the finish line. Hard challenges make the victory all the sweeter.

15. “Challenge yourself to overcome, and the finish line will be within reach.”
By challenging yourself to overcome every obstacle, you get closer to the finish line. Your determination and perseverance bring you closer to your goal.

16. “Your strength doesn’t come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”
During an obstacle run, your strength comes from overcoming challenges that once seemed impossible. Overcoming these obstacles reveals your true strength.

17. “When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.”
When you start feeling fatigued during an obstacle run, remind yourself why you took on this challenge. This will motivate you to keep going.

18. “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” – John F. Kennedy
Every successful obstacle run begins with the decision to take on the challenge. Even the greatest victories start with the choice to begin.

19. “In every race, there’s a moment when you think you can’t go any further. That’s when you dig deep and find out what you’re really made of.” – Steve Prefontaine
In every obstacle run, there comes a moment when you think you can’t go any further. That’s the moment to dig deep and discover what you’re truly capable of.

20. “Every obstacle is an opportunity to prove your strength.”
Every obstacle in your path is a chance to prove your strength and perseverance. Use every challenge during the run to show how strong you really are.

21. “Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind you have to convince.”
During an obstacle run, your body can handle a lot, but it’s your mental strength you need to conquer every hurdle. You have to mentally push yourself to keep going.

Tough Viking Quotes

If you’ve ever participated in Strong Viking, you know it’s not just an obstacle run; it’s a test of your physical and mental limits. The Viking mentality is about strength, perseverance, and courage. It’s the will to push through even when things get tough, and the determination to face every challenge, no matter how daunting it may seem. Below, you’ll find quotes for those seeking a bit of Viking-style motivation. Oorah!

22. “A Viking does not fear the storm; he becomes it.”
A true Viking doesn’t just face challenges and difficulties but embraces and transforms them. They make the storm their strength and are inspired by it to grow.

23. “A warrior’s strength is not measured by his sword, but by his spirit.”
This quote emphasizes that true strength doesn’t come from physical weapons or equipment but from inner strength and determination. It is the spirit and will that define the true warrior.

24. “With each battle, we carve our names into the sagas of history.”
Every challenge and battle we face adds a new chapter to our personal saga and history. It’s a way to leave your mark and make a lasting impact.

25. “In the heat of battle, you find your true self.”
During intense moments of struggle and challenge, true qualities and the essence of a person come to the surface. It is in these moments that you discover who you really are.

26. “The path to glory is paved with courage and sacrifice.”
True glory and success don’t come easily; they are achieved through courage and sacrifice. The path to glory is filled with challenges you must overcome.

27. “The true measure of a Viking is his ability to rise after each fall.”
A Viking is defined by his ability to rise and keep going after setbacks. It’s not about never falling but about how you recover and come back stronger.

28. “Embrace the struggle, for it shapes the warrior within.”
Embrace the struggle, as it shapes the warrior within you. This quote highlights that setbacks and challenges make you stronger and more resilient.

29. “In the heart of every Viking beats the rhythm of the fjords.”
In the heart of every Viking beats the rhythm of the fjords. This quote evokes the strength and determination characteristic of the Viking mentality.

30. “The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.” – Richard Branson
This quote reminds us that courage and daring are the keys to a meaningful life. The brave souls take risks and experience adventure, while those who are always cautious never truly live.

Motivation & Strong Viking

Do you want to participate in Strong Viking but doubt whether you can do it? Are these badass gym quotes not enough motivation? Or do you have no one around you who wants to join in? We believe in you! At Strong Viking, you’re never alone. Our team and your fellow participants will help you with every obstacle. Want to skip an obstacle? No problem—anything goes, nothing is mandatory. The most important thing is that all participants form one team together. So, if you lose your motivation during the run, there will always be people around to help pull you through.