Strong Viking was founded by CEO / Founder Jan Reijs and a team of entrepreneurs with experience in extreme sports and former marines who share a great ambition and love for the sport. Together, they aspire to organize the largest and best obstacle run in the world. Quality, safety, and development are paramount.



Strong Viking is inspired by the history of the Vikings. Vikings can best be described as a primal people, known for being tough, adventurous, strong, and brotherly. These elements shape the vision of Strong Viking. Strong Viking aims to push you to your physical and mental limits, helping you break boundaries and become stronger in everyday life.

Strong Viking offers a unique experience. Our obstacle run is not a competition, but a challenge. Enduring together with a smile, that is what matters most.

Strong Viking organizes the best and most challenging obstacle runs. Our history dates back to the time of the Vikings. The Vikings were indestructible, adventurous, and embraced challenges. Their DNA spread among the peoples of Europe. Do you have this DNA in you? OORAH!

  • Strong Viking is not a race, but a challenge
  • Vikings never quit
  • Vikings conquer their fears
  • We leave no Viking behind
  • Vikings will drink their beer in Walhalla

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