Brother Edition

Brother Edition

The Strong Viking Brother Editions are the final events of the year, encapsulating the essence of ancient Viking brotherhood in a truly unique and challenging manner. At Strong Viking, we believe there are no strangers, only fellow Vikings you haven’t met yet. Join us to forge unbreakable bonds and embrace the spirit of camaraderie and adventure!



Vikings are renowned as some of the toughest and most skilled warriors in history. Their triumphs stemmed not only from their formidable combat skills but also from their unwavering sense of brotherhood.

The Strong Viking Brother Editions, our final events of the year, are designed to channel this ancient brotherhood in a unique and challenging way. At Strong Viking, there are no strangers—only Vikings you haven’t met yet! Whether you participate solo or as part of a team, the Brother Editions focus on TEAMWORK!

Taking place in the Netherlands and Germany, you can choose from three challenging distances:

  • Lightning: 7km with 20+ obstacles
  • Warrior: 13km with 30+ obstacles
  • Beast: 19km with 40+ obstacles

We promise a unique experience with a real Viking finish, transforming friends into brothers and sisters.  Join us for an unforgettable adventure and see our upcoming events below.